
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Zambia is headed for a bad future, says Magande

Zambia is headed for a bad future, says Magande
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Wed 26 Jan. 2011, 04:02 CAT

ZAMBIA is headed for a bad future, says Ng’andu Magande.

Commenting on the education Bill of 2010 released by Attorney General Abyudi Shonga which gives powers to the Minister of Education to sell or lease out public learning institutions, Magande who is former finance minister, said the government was putting up so many education structures that they would fail to run.

“What I suspect is that these men and women are putting up a lot of schools and when they finish building, will they have the teachers and materials to put in these structures?” he asked.

Magande said there were no medium and long term plans to put these things in place. He wondered where the teachers the government was saying it was going to employ would come from.

Magande said there would be so many schools in the next one-year that the government would fail to run and would start leasing them out to private people. He said this was as a result of lack of planning on the part of the government.

Magande said it was the Ministry of Finance, which agrees to sell public property. He said because of lack of planning, the government had failed to anticipate that there would be a bumper harvest if they gave farmers more fertiliser.

He said the MMD government had no capacity to come up with future plans for the country.

Magande said it did not make sense to borrow money to experiment on bridges.

On the withdrawal of bilateral aid by Denmark, Magande said the Danes had a long-term program of putting up roads in Western Province. He said the Danes also promised to put up a road from Kasempa to Sesheke.

Magande said he suspected that the Danes might have withdrawn their aid because they were unhappy with what was happening. He said the Danes might have felt that they did not need to give their money, which was not going to be paid back because the government was not supposed to fall into debt.

Magande said he was really shocked by what was happening in the country. He urged Zambians to be alert and put people who could plan for the country and its future generations.

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