
Sunday, January 09, 2011

Zambia is likely to witness ‘savage behaviour’ - Sata

Zambia is likely to witness ‘savage behaviour’ - Sata
By George Chellah and Chibaula Silwamba
Sun 09 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

MICHAEL Sata has warned that Zambia is likely to witness ‘savage behaviour’ as the MMD tries to cling to power, which they have already lost. And Sata said President Rupiah Banda’s desperation is serious.

Opening the Patriotic Front provincial conference in Katete yesterday, Sata said Zambians remember President Banda’s 2010 record as a man who thrived on persecuting his political and business competitors through the use of some court officials and various law enforcing agencies.

The PF leader said the rule of law broke down in 2010 as state institutions were set on the opposition whilst MMD members committed offences but would not be allowed to face the law.

“Gender deputy minister Lucy Changwe remains free for a similar offence for which George Mpombo has been prosecuted with,” Sata said.

“PF supporters were shot at and beaten, yet offenders were either not arrested or were reluctantly prosecuted after the party threatened private prosecution. The events of 2010 are a prelude of the savage behaviour we are likely to see in 2011 as the MMD thieves try to hold on to power, which they have already lost.”

He also said President Banda’s record in 2010 had been that of vandalism of state systems, which are known.

“In all sincerity, I remember Rupiah as someone who campaigned on what I would call deceit or treachery during the 2008 Presidential elections,” Sata said.

He said President Banda had hijacked all the projects initiated under Levy Mwanawasa and appropriated all the credit to himself without any credit to the man who set them in motion.
He said single sourcing of contractors in big government contracts had become President Banda’s signature policy.

“To crown it all, Rupiah decides to do away with the abuse of clause in the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Act. This is all clearly in an attempt by his government to protect itself against possible prosecution. They are so scared when they look at how corruptly they awarded the valuation of ZAMTEL to R.P Capital and then the eventual sale of the telecommunications company for peanuts,” Sata said.

“To date, Rupiah has not told us what the value of ZAMTEL was after their colleagues did the valuation. We tried to advise them that, that job could have been done by any of the numerous local companies, but they could not listen because they had been blinded by the cuts they were going to get from the US$2m valuation fee.”

He said with the abuse of office clause deleted from the ACC Act, President Banda’s hope was that his single sourcing of contractors would never be questioned. He said President Banda has killed the corruption fight that was so well steered by Mwanawasa.

“He even ignores the fact that the US$2 billion reserves he has been rejoicing and boasting so much about are as a result of the financial discipline that Levy managed to enforce in central government and institutions,” he said.

He said President Banda should realise that Zambians were not naïve to be hoodwinked with cosmetic projects and the praises being showered on him by rented individuals and crowds.

“Zambians should not be taken for granted such that we politicians can walk away thinking they have not seen through our haphazard and hastily implemented road projects. Where has Rupiah been all this time to realise today that several parts of this country are cut-off due to impassable roads; that we have a shortage of health facilities and where available there is either no equipment, personnel or drugs; to realise today that several families go days without a proper meal; that children stay home because there are no schools in this country and where available pupils have to walk long distances?” Sata asked.

“It is so unfair to treat your citizens as head of state in this manner and think your people will only need these things during an election period. Yes we have seen new hospitals and schools but where are the teachers and doctors, equipment and drugs?”

He said thousands of pensioners remain unpaid and still languishing on the waiting list as President Banda intensifies his flights abroad to attend every local and international function at the slightest possible excuse.

He said President Banda’s desperation has been so serious.

“We also remember Rupiah as a man who has no shame. He chooses to dine and wine with known criminals, plunderers and fugitives, just to stay in office. He has ignored calls from various interest groups and individuals to carry on the corruption fight with the same spirit that Levy did. This is the man who took him from the village and invited him to share in his (Levy) vision. How thankless can one surely be?” he asked.

He urged delegates to guard PF jealously by electing dedicated members.

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