Sunday, January 16, 2011


MDC broke
Saturday, 15 January 2011 19:31 Top Stories
By Itai Mazire and Tinashe Farawo

BARELY two weeks after coming into office, MDC leader Professor Welshman Ncube’s executive is reportedly faced with incapacitating financial woes that could cripple the smooth running of the party.

So dire is the situation that delegates to the party’s recent congress in Harare allegedly had to fork out personal funds to cover accommodation, food and transport expenses.

The serious financial problems have also resulted in the party failing to acquire new assets or hold rallies and national conferences.

Newly elected vice-president Mr Edwin Mushoriwa last week confirmed that his party was broke and solely relied on membership subscriptions.

“We have no money in the party coffers. It’s not a secret that we were operating on a shoestring budget during our two-day congress,” he said.

“You should understand that unlike other political parties which get money from the West and donors, we do not have vast amounts.

“Some of our delegates even paid for their own accommodation, food and transport costs,” he said.

Reports last week indicated that the party has failed to purchase assets since its first congress in 2006.

Insiders said this was despite the fact that it received annual Government grants under the Political Parties Finance Act. The insiders said only four vehicles and a few offices catered for the party’s 12 provinces.

The MDC has also not held rallies, national conferences as well as district and provincial congresses because they are in dire straits, they added.

The party’s precarious financial position came to light at its congress held in Harare last weekend where 1 000 delegates struggled to piece together small meals on the first day.

MDC Masvingo chairman Mr Robson Mashiri accused the leadership of plundering funds.
“Information at hand indicates that the party has only four vehicles — one in Manicaland, another in Masvingo and two in the Matabeleland provinces,” he said.

“As we speak, we have not paid rentals for our offices, yet the rent is only US$200 per month. To further highlight the problem, my province only received US$4 to cover the expenses it incurred during the congress.

“Manicaland province was only represented by its chairman at the congress because the leadership failed to fund transport and food costs.”

Former national chairman Mr Joubert Mudzumwe said the political outfit was financially unstable. He accused Prof Ncube and secretary-general Mrs Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga of lacking transparency.

“Since 2006, as the party national chairperson, I have never known of any assets belonging to the MDC or even any offices in the 12 provinces. The same applies to motor vehicles,” he said.

“I also doubt if (former party leader) Professor Arthur Mutambara has any knowledge of the assets or provincial offices belonging to the party; not even a desk.
“The only motor vehicles I am aware of are a written off Mazda.- Sunday Mail

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