
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Banda’s mediocrity can’t continue, rise up against ‘this monster’ - Shakafuswa

Banda’s mediocrity can’t continue, rise up against ‘this monster’ - Shakafuswa
By Patson Chilemba
Thu 24 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda’s mediocrity cannot be allowed to continue, says Jonas Shakafuswa. Reacting to Mike Mulongoti's sacking as works and supply minister, Shakafuswa, who is Katuba MMD MP, said President Banda's action showed he had no respect for democracy. Shakafuswa, who was sacked from his position as deputy finance minister by President Banda in 2009, said Zambians should rise up against “this monster”.

“It is a lesson for the people of Zambia that we can’t accept such kind of mediocrity," he said.

"When you talk then you are fired, no, no! Look at the people who are there, they are scared of criticism.

“We can’t allow our country to be run on mediocrity, we can’t.”

Shakafuswa said he supported Mulongoti for the MMD vice-presidency but reminded him he had helped entrench dictatorial tendencies in President Banda's regime.

He said that when people were calling for the MMD convention to be held, Mulongoti and the late Benny Tetamashima had argued against it.

Shakafuswa said there was no provision for an acting president in the MMD constitution, but Mulongoti and others had helped create the post for President Banda. He said Mulongoti had had a test of his own medicine.

“I wish Tetamashimba was alive to see this as well, maybe even he would have been fired,” Shakafuswa said.

“Mulongoti has discovered he created a monster too difficult to tame now. Now this monster has eaten him. We were talking about democracy when Banda came. Now you have seen, when you call for democracy you are eaten.”

Shakafuswa said Mulongoti was a better candidate for the MMD vice-presidency than Kunda. It was good that people like Mulongoti were waking up to the realities of President Banda’s dictatorship.

“As I go to the convention, I am going to vote for Mulongoti as vice-president because he is making more sense than George Kunda,” Shakafuswa said.

“I don’t think George Kunda would have advocated such kind of democratic principles. Kunda is one-track-minded, he is only concerned about self-preservation.”

He said President Banda would one day realise he was a king without clothes because he had survived on account of people protecting his undemocratic principles.

Shakafuswa said President Banda thrived on silencing people with contrary views.

“I will be very honest with you. I will never, ever change my stance. Rupiah is undemocratic and he has to prove to me otherwise,” he said.

Shakafuswa said he would attend the MMD convention because he was still a member in good standing, having obtained a court injunction against his expulsion from the party.

However, Shakafuswa said while he supported Mulongoti, he was one of those who helped entrench President Banda’s dictatorship in the MMD through manipulation, lies and deceit.

He said President Banda was even made a sole candidate so he would not have to face any competition at the convention.

“They even made us outcasts because we asked for democratic principles in the party. So for him to come and talk about democracy, now that he wants the vice-presidency job, what about democracy for those who wanted the presidential job?” Shakafuswa asked.

He said the idea of going for the convention was viewed as very foolish at that time because it was against President Banda’s will.

Shakafuswa said the provincial MMD conferences were tailor-made to serve President Banda and his "stooges".

Reacting to President Banda’s support for Kunda to be elected vice-president at the convention, Mulongoti said those who were in authority should show loyalty to those who fought to put them in power.

He said there would be a backlash if they were biased because of the position they held. Prior to his sacking, Mulongoti said he was ready to lose his ministerial job to defend democracy in the MMD.

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