
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chaos might grip Barotseland - BRE

Chaos might grip Barotseland - BRE
By Amos Malupenga
Sun 13 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

THE Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) says discontent and widespread lawlessness might be the order of the day in Barotseland unless the Barotseland Agreement is expeditiously restored.

This is according to resolutions of the BRE’s Barotse National Council (BNC) meeting held at Limulunga’s Nayuma Museum from January 21 to February 2, 2011 and obtained by The Post.

The resolutions that were presented to President Rupiah Banda at State House by senior chief Inyambo Yeta on behalf of Litunga Lubosi Imwiko last Thursday, took note of how past governments persistently refused to recognise the Barotseland Agreement of 1964. The Council stated that this was so despite the numerous appeals from the BRE.

“One of the causes of the frustration among the people of Barotseland is due to lack of development, unemployment and poverty,” the BRE stated.

The BRE stated that they were totally opposed to people engaged in unlawful acts as a way of solving the issues of the abrogation of the Barotseland Agreement.

“The restoration of Barotseland Agreement of 1964 is not secession,” they resolved.
The BRE stated that it would appreciate if the proposed engagement with the current government could resolve this matter once and for all.

“The BRE on behalf of the people of Barotseland want to make it absolutely clear that it will not shift from its clearly publicly stated position that the restoration and implementation of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964 remains the most urgent matter for discussion with the government,” the BRE stated.

The BRE proposed that talks between it and the government over the above issue should commence within a month.

“The government position shall be communicated to BRE in a month thereafter,” they resolved. “The restoration of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964 into the Constitution shall be effected during the lifespan of the current Parliament and the next Parliament.”

The resolutions further stated that the BRE and the government should publicise the Barotseland Agreement in the print media in order to enhance transparency.

The BRE also resolved that the BNC would now be meeting at least twice a year to discuss and present the state of affairs of Barotseland and sensitise people to uphold their culture and tradition.
“The BRE will hold Pizo public meetings in as many times as it is necessary in order to analyse and resolve contentious issues,” they stated. “The people of Barotseland shall not take kindly to any individual or any groups of individuals bringing the institution of the Litungaship into public ridicule or dispute by making derogatory remarks.”

It was resolved further that the BRE would have to broaden its membership in order to represent all stakeholders and that all pressure groups in the area should realise that it was the final authority on matters of governance.

Members of parliament from Western Province, according to the resolutions, were also told to be proactive on the issues of the Barotseland Agreement while the youths were asked to engage in self-employment ventures to improve their living standards.

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