
Saturday, February 05, 2011

Cops deployed in Mongu demand return to stations

Cops deployed in Mongu demand return to stations
By Roy Habaalu
Sat 05 Feb. 2011, 04:00 CAT

POLICE officers deployed in Mongu after last month’s fracas have demanded that they return to their stations. According to police sources yesterday, the officers were unhappy with the conditions under which they operated such as poor diet and non-payment of their allowances. They said only prison officers had been paid some allowances.

“We came under alarm and we were told that when the situation is calm we would return. We never carried anything apart from our sleeping bags and uniforms. The painful thing is that since we came we're doing nothing apart from intimidating people,” one of the officers said.

They said some officers were sleeping in the hall at Kambule High School.

“This place is swampy and two officers are suffering from malaria because we have no mosquito nets and sometimes because of poor arrangements our truck is used to shift officers from one point to the other and we don't go to collect firewood,” another officer said.

When contacted, Western Province police commanding officer Fabian Katiba said the officers would return to their stations at the recommendation of their supervisors.

“It's not officers to judge that their job is over. They will be taken back when their supervisors say so but they should be ready to work anywhere. They are feeding on fresh rations that is chicken and beef and they are sleeping on mattresses,” said Katiba.

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