
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Corruption will continue haunting Chiluba - Kazabu

Corruption will continue haunting Chiluba - Kazabu
By Misheck Wangwe
Sun 20 Feb. 2011, 03:59 CAT

CORRUPTION will continue haunting Frederick Chiluba and the people who shield him from facing justice, says Luxon Kazabu.

Commenting on the suspension of the practicing licence of Mohammed lqbal Meer by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority in the United Kingdom over his dealings connected to alleged abuse and misappropriation of Zambian public resources, Kazabu who is former Kitwe mayor said no one would go free for protecting former president Chiluba from facing justice because he had remained guilty in the hearts of many Zambians.

Kazabu said Chiluba's refusal to apologise for stealing from Zambians would continue to haunt him.

“The nation has been offended by the former president Chiluba. It's clear in the eyes of many Zambians that he was being helped to manipulate the people and avoid facing the law. It's under moral grounds that those licences of UK lawyers were suspended by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority. Everybody who helped Chiluba run away from facing the law will be answerable for their misdeeds,” he said.

He said Chiluba’s misdeeds would continue haunting him and his colleagues if he does not apologise and return what he stole from Zambians.

Kazabu said the suspension of Chiluba's UK-based lawyers was an indication that time had already started catching up with people who were enjoying money that was stolen from Zambians in the second Republic.

He said the hope of many Zambians was that Chiluba would one day appear again before the courts of law so that true justice could be done.
Kazabu said it had become clear that Chiluba was being protected by the current government from facing justice over the alleged abuse and misappropriation of public resources.

He said the high morals exhibited by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority in the United Kingdom following the suspension of Chiluba's lawyers was inspiring and should be a lesson for the Zambian government and the Judiciary.

“Our Judiciary in its own wisdom decided to acquit Chiluba over the corruption cases and on the other hand government refused to appeal to the higher court despite demands from Zambians that his cases should be appealed to the High Court. But time has its own ways of catching up with wrongdoers and one day justice would be done,” said Kazabu.

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