
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Declare unemployment and poverty national disaster - activist

Declare unemployment and poverty national disaster - activist
By Roy Habaalu
Tue 15 Feb. 2011, 04:00 CAT

POVERTY and unemployment among youths in the country should be declared a national disaster, according to a youth activist. In an interview, Youth Constitutional Coordinating Committee (YCCC) coordinator Mulenga Fube said most young people graduating from tertiary institutions had no jobs.

He said there was no responsive government that could claim to be creating jobs when the majority of the population were piled in cheap labour. He said youths mostly in rural areas could not access education, which he said was a stimulant in defeating poverty.

He said the government had excluded youths from most national development plans.

“The youth empowerment fund is a shame. It has not been implemented from the time it was pronounced. The K40 billion has fallen off just like that,” said Fube.

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