
Monday, February 14, 2011

Demand 50% + 1 vote before elections - chief Nalubamba

Demand 50% + 1 vote before elections - chief Nalubamba
By George Zulu
Mon 14 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

ZAMBIANS must stand up and demand a new constitution with the 50 per cent plus one threshold before this year’s elections, says Senior chief Bright Nalubamba. In an interview, chief Nalubamba said the rigging of elections started with a bad constitution, which only favoured those in leadership. Chief Nalubamba said Zambians should pressure the government leaders for a people driven constitution.

“It is cardinal in the democratisation of any country to have a constitution which is people-driven especially which averts electoral problems, and Zambians must demand for that now or never again,” chief Nalubamba said.

He said the events in Egypt were not driven by dreams but a real demand for a serious change of government.

“There is a lesson we can learn from the events in North African countries. People in Egypt are united, spoke with one voice and their demand is well tabulated and known; and that is what made their president resign. He Hosni Mubarak had to heed the call, they were not violent at all,” he said.

“What can stop Zambians from demanding for a new constitution which will address issues of good governance by enhancing the electoral process of Zambia to avoid electoral conflicts?”

He said people should be united and speak with one voice if they wanted their needs to be met.

“This fight should not only be for people in urban areas; even those in rural areas must take part for that meaningful change they desire. They should have their voice heard, they need to be seen to be participating in issue of governance rather than to be regarded as a dumping site,” said chief Nalubamba.

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