
Friday, February 25, 2011

Don’t blame media for revolts - Kazabu

Don’t blame media for revolts - Kazabu
By Ernest Chanda
Fri 25 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

LUXON Kazabu says President Rupiah Banda should not blame the media on the revolutionary activities that have engulfed some North African countries.

Commenting on President Banda's caution that the Tunisia, Egypt and Libya uprisings should not come to Zambia, Kazabu - a former Kitwe mayor - said people were bound to react to any bad governance. He said the best way of preventing such developments is by giving people what they want.

"What is happening in North Africa is spontaneous; people are just reacting to bad governance in their respective countries. That's what happens when the populous become enchanted on issues of good governance,” Kazabu said.

“This has absolutely nothing to do with the media because when people are not happy with their government, they will not wait for the media to tell them. And that depends on what people get from their government. If people believe in what their government is giving them then they will stay quiet. But if they are not happy with things, they will always react. So it is wrong for President Banda to blame that on the media."

Kazabu said the lesson the government should learn from the North Africa press to help not push Zambians to emulate the pro-democracy demonstrations in Egypt, Libya and parts of the Middle East.

He said it was sad that Libya seemed to be heading for violence.

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