
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Govt ready to evacuate Zambians in Tunisia

Govt ready to evacuate Zambians in Tunisia
By Bright Mukwasa
Wed 02 Feb. 2011, 03:59 CAT

THE government is ready to evacuate its citizens living in Egypt and Tunisia in case the situation gets out of hand, according to foreign affairs deputy minister Professor Fashion Phiri.

Prof Phiri said the government had so far not received any reports of Zambians caught up in the ongoing protests in the two countries.

“We are ready for that. We can do those things before the situation reaches those levels, although it has not reached those levels now,” said Prof Phiri in an interview yesterday.

He said the government through its respective embassies had issued instructions for Zambians living in those countries to stay indoors until the situation in both countries stabilised.

“We are hopeful the situation will be stable,” Prof Phiri said.
Egyptian protesters have been calling for the ouster of their long-standing President, Hosni Mubarak, since January 25.

At least 100 people have been killed across the country since protests began following an Internet campaign and partly inspired by the ousting of President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia last month.

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