
Sunday, February 27, 2011

(HERALD) Mozambique blasts EU on sanctions

Mozambique blasts EU on sanctions
Thursday, 24 February 2011 21:23
Herald Reporter

Mozambique has condemned the recent extension of illegal European Union sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Speaking at the close of the Fifth Session of the Zimbabwe-Mozambique Joint Permanent Commission in Hara-re yesterday, Mozambican Defence Minister Filipe Jacinto Nyusi said Zimbabwe had the right to solve its internal problems without external interference.

The EU extended the widely-discredited embargo last week.

Said Minister Nyusi;

"We condemn the sanctions and as Mozambique we reiterate the position of the AU over the issue of sanctions.

"Zimbabwe is not worthy for penalisation or punishment and for that reason we assume the position presented by the AU.

"As Mozambique we believe the issue of Zimbabwe must be solved internally."

In a joint Press statement after the session, the two countries called for the immediate removal of the sanctions.

Mozambique commended Zimbabwe's inclusive Government for stabilising the economy while Zimbabwe applauded Mozambique for conducting successful general elections in 2009.

The commission noted with concern the increase in illegal migrants from countries outside Sadc flooding the two countries; a phenomenon they said was associated with transnational organised crime such as human trafficking.

It is against this background that the two called for concerted efforts by their defence and security forces to contain human trafficking.

Minister of State Security in the President's Office Sydney Sekeramayi said: "As defence forces and security forces, we are required to ensure that there is peace and stability in our countries.

"External forces are trying to destabilise our countries and it is incumbent upon us to deal with these negative forces."

Minister Sekeramayi said the two countries expressed commitment to neutralising forces bent on undermining their integrity.

Regarding regional security, the commission lauded Sadc's efforts to ensuring peace in the region, pointing out work done to stablise Madagascar.
The commission reasserted commitment to fighting HIV and Aids.

Also present at the Fifth Session of the Zimbabwe-Mozambique Joint Commission were Ministers Emmer-son Mnangagwa (Defence), Kembo Mohadi (co-Home Affairs), Theresa Makone (co-Home Affairs), Jose Mandra (Mozambique, Deputy Minister of the Interior) and service chiefs from both countries.

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