
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

If not carefully handled, Barotse issue will cost MMD elections - Shakas

If not carefully handled, Barotse issue will cost MMD elections - Shakas
By Kombe Chimpinde
Tue 15 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

JONAS Shakafuswa says if not carefully handled the, Barotse issues will cost the MMD’s victory in this year’s elections.

Jonas Shakafuswa who is MMD Katuba Member of Parliament said in an interview that it was not too late for President Banda to show leadership by apologizing to the people of Western Province over the ill and bloody manner in which his government dealt with people calling for the restoration of the Barotse Agreement of 1964 which led loss of lives.

Shakafuswa said President Banda should immediately sanction the release of the 23 treason accused and the 106 charged with conduct likely to cause a breach of peace.

“If Egyptians are not using weapons on their people who are protesting, who are we (MMD) to use weapons on our people, on the Lozis,” said Shakafuswa.

“Those who were nabbed did not have arms and no one said they were going to take over government. If people want to get rid of the government, they can still do it through elections so it’s better to sort this matter out.”

Shakafuswa said government should not fear to re-open negotiations on the Baroste Agreement which he said was still legitimate.

Shakafuswa said MMD should not forget that other provinces were seeing the treacherous acts that were being perpetrated on the people of Western Province.

“This is why I laugh at Goerge Kunda. He went and talked to the Litunga, but when he came here they did something else. From the way this issue has been handled it is clear that they did not heed the advice of the Litunga on how to go about this matter,” Shakafuswa said. “I want Goerge Kunda to learn that authority and power isn’t a solution to people’s problems. When you become humble you become more powerful. You cannot have power if people do not respect you in the end.”

Shakafuswa urged President Banda to immediately find an amicable solution in handling the issue as opposed to prosecuting those that were advocating for the restoration of the said agreement.

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