
Monday, February 21, 2011

JCTR calls for objective APRM review of Zambia

JCTR calls for objective APRM review of Zambia
By Kombe Chimpinde
Mon 21 Feb. 2011, 04:00 CAT

THE Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection has called for an objective and credible review of Zambia under the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).

In an interview, JCTR Zambia chapter director of governance Dominic Liche said the success of the outcome of the review was dependent on an objective gathering of facts as well as critical self-assessment, which would bring a true reflection of the state of governance and many other areas of the country.

“Our expectation is that it should be done in a credible and objective manner where there is no bias and politicizing of the process. We also expect that the process will be concluded within a good period of time. But most importantly we want the national plan of action report which clearly tabulates the weaknesses, challenges and how best they will be addressed,” Liche said.

Zambia joins 16 countries that have already been peer reviewed under this instrument.

It will be assessed on its performance on political, economic management, governance and social development among others followed by a validation of a self-assessment and subsequent implementation of a national programme of action based on the review.

Liche said the review should not just end up as an academic exercise but one that would be in tandem with the existing state of affairs in the country.
He urged Zambians to participate in the review for the enhancement of the country’s development.

“APRM will give an opportunity to citizens to begin to highlight the issues themselves when they are asked what they think the challenges of governance are, see where we are going wrong and where we are doing well. Citizens must start to speak out about governance issues,” Liche said.

Liche urged the government to synchronise the national plan of action with the Sixth National Development Plan once it is out in order to coordinate the efforts of both plans.

Liche also said the assessment would not have a bearing on the elections as most of the issues expected would not be new.

President Rupiah Banda this month launched the review to be carried out by a review mission team under the umbrella of African Union.

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