
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Lozi blood will defeat Rupiah - Nyambe

Lozi blood will defeat Rupiah - Nyambe
By Roy Habaalu
Tue 08 Feb. 2011, 04:02 CAT

The blood of the two Barotse activists shed by police will lead to President Rupiah Banda's defeat this year, says a Mongu traditional leader.

In an interview, Sampaya Nyambe who is village headman for Lifweko village in chief Nalubutu of Mongu district said the blood that spilled during the recent police-provoked fracas in Mongu would remain stuck on President Banda and his ministers.

"The blood of those innocent children of Mbuyuwamwambwa and Lewanika that was shed by government's recklessness will defeat President Rupiah Banda and his uncaring government this year. If our children who are suffering in police custody are not released, consequences for government will be harsh," headman Nyambe said.

Nyambe called on the government to release the 106 youths arrested for riotous behaviour in Mongu if peace was to prevail. He said those arrested should be released within one week and those facing treason charges should be discharged.

"I am telling you as a traditional leader representing the people, that MMD has kissed goodbye to the support they enjoyed and will be shamefully defeated because people are offended," he said.

Nyambe said the youths currently in detention were being brutalised by police officers and that their relatives were made to stand 100 meters away from the courtroom. Headman Nyambe, who attended the court session on Wednesday, said one of the youths told the court that they were beaten and later fed on porridge and salt.

"MMD MPs have abandoned their own people and us as traditional leaders who represent the people will tell them not to vote for them," he said.

Nyambe said the government should remove the heavy presence of police officers on the streets of Mongu unless they were planning genocide. He said despite the MMD abrogating the Barotseland agreement, it had gone ahead to deny the province development.

Headman Nyambe said the MMD had destroyed the mango juice plant that was initiated by Dr Kenneth Kaunda.

"MMD doesn't have anything to do with us. That's why they can't bring in investors to restore the cashewnut and mango industries," said headman Nyambe.

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