
Thursday, February 03, 2011

Luapula votes are not for sale - chief Chisunka

Luapula votes are not for sale - chief Chisunka
By Florence Bupe
Thu 03 Feb. 2011, 03:59 CAT

THE people of Luapula Province will not be deceived by politicians who will try to entice them with money to win their votes, says chief Chisunka of the Ushi people.

In an interview, chief Chisunka said the electorate in Luapula Province would ensure that they ushered into office political leaders who would show the ability to deliver on election campaign promises. He said traditional leaders in the province were sensitising their subjects not to be lured into electing leaders based on gifts.

"This is an election year and it is very important for the whole country. We, as traditional leaders, are encouraging the people voters to think carefully before the elections," chief Chisunka said. "Our subjects will not be cheated just because you buy them 'tujilijili' and Shake Shake a local opaque beer. We will insist that politicians come up with good manifestos on which they will deliver."

Chief Chisunka reiterated calls for political leaders to dwell on issue-based campaigns and desist from politics of insults, which he said had the potential to divide the nation.

He said there was need for the electorate to embrace politics of unity and peace.

Chief Chisunka denounced tribal politics and said the country needed to get back to the core of the 'One Zambia, One Nation' slogan which had united the country since independence.

He said ascension to political leadership positions should not be based on tribal inclinations.

"We don't want divisions in the country. We are One Zambia, One Nation, and we should do everything possible to discourage tribal differences," said chief Chisunka.

And chief Chisunka said the government should improve the implementation of the farmer input support programme if it had to impact meaningfully on the productivity of the agriculture sector.

He said although the support programme was a good initiative, its unsatisfactory implementation hindered the targeted growth in the agricultural sector.

Chief Chisunka cited the late distribution of farming inputs as a challenge that had not been addressed over the years.

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