
Saturday, February 12, 2011

MMD not a factor in Mporokoso - Sata

MMD not a factor in Mporokoso - Sata
By George Chellah in Mporokoso
Sat 12 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

MMD is not a factor in Mporokoso, says PF leader Michael Sata. In an interview after addressing a public rally on Thursday, Sata said PF had a higher chance of scooping the Mporokoso parliamentary seat.

“It's clear that MMD is not a factor in Mporokoso although they have already started dishing out money to the electorate and we have seen it,” Sata said. “But even if they are rushing to dish out money, they are not a factor here at all. In fact, none of these other political parties that are contesting in this by-election are a factor. So PF stands a chance to win.”

Earlier, Sata told the crowd that attended his public rally that PF candidate and former sports deputy minister Maynard Misapa was the first to resign and forego all the luxuries that accompany the ministerial portfolio.

“If Misapa wanted to be selfish, he would have done what Felix Mutati commerce minister has done by neglecting his people in Lunte constituency just for him to remain a minister,” he said.

Sata said it was clear that the people of Mporokoso wanted a change of government.

“What you didn’t do when you were minister… go back and plead with the people. People want change and that change has to start with you,” Sata said. “If the people of Mporokoso change, even the other people we have in Northern Province will change.”

Sata condemned President Rupiah Banda and education minister Dora Siliya’s plans to lease or sell government schools.

If this government sells Mporokoso Secondary School, where will the children of the poor people go for school?” he asked.

Sata urged Misapa to look into the plight of the electorate once re-elected.

“You were member of parliament on MMD and you know the lies you told us. Just like they are lying today that when you elect Dominic Musonda MMD candidate they will do the Kasama-Mporokoso Road,” Sata said.

“The roads are so bad. I had a chance to drive through the Mporokoso-Kawambwa Road. A distance that is just about 150 kilometres took us seven hours to travel from Mporokoso to Kawambwa.”

Sata said Musonda, who is contesting on the MMD ticket, was member of parliament in Lunte constituency twice and he never did anything for the people there.

“Can Dominic show us what he did in Lunte? Until recently, Dominic was the district commissioner for Mporokoso district where he even failed to coordinate the slashing of overgrown grass in the district. Do you think when you elect him as MP that’s when he will work?” he asked.

Sata urged the people to get upset with the underdevelopment in Mporokoso by voting for Misapa.

“Make your own choice, no one will come and tell you. When they MMD come with gifts during this by-election just get,” he said.

Sata said the MMD was currently in a state of confusion.

“You must feel pity for the MMD. It's like when you see hippos running away from the waters and after that you now see a rabbit running towards the same river where bigger animals like hippos are fleeing, can you say that rabbit thinks?” Sata asked.

He said the country had been destroyed.

“There is no respect or dignity in the country anymore all because of poverty,” he said.

Sata urged the people of Mporokoso to get together and defeat the MMD, which was their greatest enemy.

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