
Friday, February 18, 2011

PF accepts Chirwa’s proposals on Pact

PF accepts Chirwa’s proposals on Pact
By George Chellah
Fri 18 Feb. 2011, 04:02 CAT

PF has accepted UPND chairperson for international relations Professor Clive Chirwa’s proposals over the pact. Addressing journalists at the PF secretariat yesterday, PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba, who was flanked by vice-president Dr Guy Scott and national chairperson Inonge Wina, assured the public that the Pact was still in existence.

“In June 2010, the PF and UPND celebrated the first anniversary of the establishment of the PF/UPND pact. Since then there has been a great deal of anxiety and concern amongst PF and UPND members and the general public regarding the impetus of the Pact,” Kabimba said.

“We continue to receive queries from members of the press as to whether or not the Pact is still in existence. I would like to take this opportunity today on behalf of the PF to inform the public that the pact between the PF and UPND is still alive and viable as an alternative government to the MMD during this year’s tripartite elections.”

Kabimba said the PF had received from UPND fundamental proposals regarding the Pact.

“These proposals, which were received through the UPND chairman for international relations Professor Clive Chirwa are as follows: (i) that the two political parties should design and agree on a common manifesto or social and economic development agenda in government, (ii) that the two parties share constituencies with the PF taking 60 per cent of the parliamentary seats and the UPND 40 per cent of the seats,” Kabimba said.

“(iii) that Mr Michael Sata be the Pact presidential candidate in the 2011 presidential and general elections and Mr Hichilema to be the vice-president in government, (iv) that the Cabinet portfolios be shared with PF taking 60 per cent and UPND 40 per cent, (v) that these proposals should be embodied in a document to be signed by the two leaders at a ceremony to be witnessed by NGOs, the Church and other concerned stakeholders.

“In our desire to ensure that the Pact makes progress and in order to show our commitment to the PF/UPND pact, we hereby accept these proposals within the working time frame attached to them. I have accordingly written to the UPND secretary general. Let me take this opportunity once again to thank all of you for your unwavering support which you have so far rendered to the Pact since June 2009.”

And in his letter dated January 16, 2011 to UPND secretary general Winstone Chibwe, Kabimba stated: “Dear Sir, Re: UPND proposals. I am in receipt of the UPND proposals through Professor Clive Chirwa, chairman for international relations dated 15th February 2011, a copy of which I have enclosed herewith for your easy reference. In order for the Pact to make progress we hereby accept the proposals for our JNC meeting which we should convene soonest to complete the details thereof.”

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