
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Rupiah will reap what he’s sowing - Fr Luonde

Rupiah will reap what he’s sowing - Fr Luonde
By Darious Kapembwa in Kitwe
Wed 09 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda and his MMD will reap what they are sowing by condoning Chiluba's thefts, says Fr Richard Luonde.

Fr Luonde, an Anglican priest in Kitwe, was commenting on the Sunday Post’s lead story in which former president Frederick Chiluba's syndicate lawyer in the United Kingdom Mohamed Iqbal Meer's practicing licence had been suspended for three years because of his dealings involving the stolen Zambian government money. He likened the MMD government's protection of Chiluba to a village headman who chose to protect a cattle thief and rapist in the village at the expense of the victims.

Fr Luonde reminded Zambians of their obligations during this year's elections, especially in dealing with people that opposed the appeal against Chiluba's acquittal.

"If Mr Rupiah Banda and his MMD want the respect of the people of Zambia, let Chiluba be dealt with by the law for the crimes he committed against humanity, let him be dealt with accordingly not this shielding we are seeing here in Zambia but people in UK who conspired with him continue to be punished. What the British people are telling us is that we are docile people who have failed to get our money when they did everything for us," Fr Luonde said.

He said Chiluba had already shown Zambians that his allegiance was only to a political grouping that promised to cover his theft.

Fr Luonde said President Banda and the MMD had a reference point - the opposition Patriotic Front, which lost elections in 2006 when they openly supported Chiluba.

"Why, is it that Chiluba keeps shifting camps to a party that shows him sympathy? In 2006 because PF mentioned something to do away with his cases, he supported them and now he's an MMD political consultant because we have seen how much protection they have given him, what kind of a human being is this one?" wondered Fr Luonde.

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