
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Sata responds to Rupiah’s response

Sata responds to Rupiah’s response
By George Chellah
Wed 02 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

MICHAEL Sata says it is clear that President Rupiah Banda knows something about the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) debacle as shown by the feat of extreme anger expressed over the matter.

In a letter to President Banda dated January 31, 2011, Sata (right) stated that the President's reaction to his concerns over the autonomy of ECZ as an opposition leader lacked civility befitting a head of state. He stated that President Banda’s responses to his letters as an opposition political leader and citizen of Zambia did not constitute a favour to him at all.

"I would like to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 28th January 2011 which letter lacks civility coming from the Head of State to a leader of an opposition political party and written with a feat of extreme anger over a matter of public interest," Sata stated.

"It is clear from your expression of anger that either you chose to misunderstand me or your government knows something about the debacle at ECZ. Firstly, the questions raised in my letter were not directed to you for answers. They were my observations regarding the events at the ECZ.

"I also wish to state that your responses to my letters as an opposition political leader let alone a citizen of Zambia do not constitute a favour to me at all. You may, therefore, exercise your discretion in future not to respond to me as you please. However, as for me I will continue to write to you as Head of State and to let the general public and PF members know about the issues I raise with you."

Sata stated that it was not public pronouncements made at Soweto Market or elsewhere about a free and fair election that would translate into such an election.

"It is also not the so-called international observers who grant a nation a free and fair election. It is the demands made by the people in the composition and independence of institutions such as the ECZ and the laws, which govern the electoral process which guarantee a free and fair election," Sata stated.

"Let me remind you that you presently have two commissioners in the ECZ who were both rejected during the process of ratification by the major opposition political parties but whom you proceeded to appoint. This cannot be an act of a democrat by whatever standard."

Sata challenged President Banda to inform the public, which MMD convention elected him as party president.

"In your feat of anger about what I observed about the events at the ECZ, you have stated that the PF has never observed any democratic principles ever as compared with the MMD which has just completed its provincial conferences,” Sata further stated.

“I would like to inform you sir, that we have to date successfully held five (5) provincial conferences. Unlike what we have read about the MMD, all our provincial chairmen were subjected to elections with other candidates. The syndrome of having provincial chairmen going through unopposed because of personal preferences is not synonymous with the PF but with the MMD.

“Since you state that all the leaders in the PF have never been elected please inform the public as to which MMD convention ever elected you as president of the MMD and when did you officially and publicly resign from UNIP?"

Sata dismissed President Banda's attacks over his decision to copy his previous letter to him to various heads of foreign missions and international organisations.

"I know that I have not served as a diplomat before, but I certainly do understand the role of a diplomat from my experience in the public service. I do not, therefore, think that it is a breach of any diplomatic ethics for me to copy a letter dealing with the ECZ which institution is partly financed by the donors or for them to receive such a letter from me," Sata stated.

"If indeed your government had no hand whatsoever in the ECZ saga, let us wait and see: (i) if the new chairperson for the ECZ shall be ratified by the consensus of all the stakeholders in our parliament (ii) if the purge of those officers at ECZ perceived to be anti-MMD shall not continue to take place through the use of ECZ employees.

"(iii) if your government shall enact the recommended electoral reforms which would guarantee a free and fair election in 2011 (iv) if Dan Kalale dismissed ECZ director would not be reinstated under the pretext of completing his contract which expires in February 2011 or by giving him a new contract."

In his letter to Sata, President Banda dismissed the opposition leader's concerns on ECZ as ridiculous and preposterous. This was after Sata wrote to him raising concerns on ECZ’s autonomy vis-a-vis the recent events that led to the resignation of justice Florence Mumba as chairperson.

President Banda stated that his government has had absolutely no hand in the events at ECZ and that he recently announced at the New Soweto market that he would ensure that this year's presidential and general elections be free and fair.

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