Monday, February 28, 2011

Spell out agenda for N/Province, Sata tells Banda

Spell out agenda for N/Province, Sata tells Banda
By George Chellah in Mporokoso
Mon 28 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

MICHAEL Sata has challenged President Rupiah Banda to state his development agenda for Northern Province. And Sata says President Banda must ensure that development is distributed equitably countrywide.

Addressing a rally at Katutwa village on Saturday, Sata urged the people to show President Banda that they were not happy with the lack of development in Mporokoso.

“When you become courageous and start voicing out on underdevelopment in this area, they will hear you. Whenever people openly express dissatisfaction, the government listens. If you don’t speak, nothing will happen here,” Sata said.

“Rupiah will not help you if you don’t show your displeasure especially that he has never even stood on any platform to give you his development agenda for this province. I challenge him to state his development agenda for this region.”

Sata said President Banda was only interested in serving his personal interests.
He advised people against selling their voters cards to the MMD.

“If you do that and Dominic Musonda MMD candidate wins, they will never do anything for you here. You will remain where you are and continue complaining because Musonda has always been a failure,” Sata said. “Musonda served as MP in Lunte Constituency for two terms and they chased him. So why should you accept him here?”

And addressing another rally at Kambobe Basic School, Sata said the people of Mporokoso were being betrayed by their own children.

“Ask Felix Mutati who hails from here and he is a minister in this government how many times he has been to Mporokoso ever since he became minister,” Sata said.

“As commerce minister, Mutati is the one who distributes development countrywide but what development or how many jobs has he provided here?”

Sata also wondered whether President Banda had ever been to Mporokoso to see the people's suffering.

“Rupiah is now 74 years old and he was even Vice-President under the late Levy Mwanawasa’s government. How many times has he been to Mporokoso? He is coming next week; ask him if he has ever been here,” said Sata as the crowd shouted. ‘Eekesako! He shouldn’t come’.

“I just came here to remind you that if you don’t liberate yourselves, no one will liberate you. Please take charge of your lives by making the right choice now and in the forthcoming general elections.”

Sata said President Banda must ensure that development was distributed equitably countrywide.

“Rupiah is in Eastern Province commissioning road projects, which is a good thing. But our appeal to him is that let him also look at other areas. Let him distribute development equitably,” Sata said.

“It's now 47 years of independence and there is no road to Mporokoso or a filling station. In fact, even in Eastern Province, let him not just put up roads going to his farm. People in Petauke, Katete, Vubwi and other districts also want better roads.”

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