
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Biti blocking constitutional process: Zanu-PF

Biti blocking constitutional process: Zanu-PF
By: New Ziana-TZG
Posted: Wednesday, February 2, 2011 2:25 am

THE Zanu-PF party of President Mugabe says the MDC-T party which controls the finance ministry is deliberately trying to derail the constitution-making process by underfunding the Constitution Parliamentary Committee that is spearheading the process.

Secretary for Administration in the Zanu-PF Politburo, Didymus Mutasa, says attempts by the MDC-T to scuttle the constitution-making process through under funding Copac, will however, not prevent the country from conducting an election this year.

There is growing indication that the MDC-T party is becoming very unpopular with its main constituency in Zimbabwe - the urban voter.

Addressing Zanu-PF members and the members of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Collaborators in Rusape, Mutasa said the liberation party was aware of the MDC-T's delaying tactics in the constitution-making process, manifested through under funding the process, but hinted that this will not stop the process.

Mutasa challenged Zimbabweans to draw their strength and courage in defending the revolution in the face of the economic induced illegal sanctions, adding that time had come for every Zimbabwean to rise up and denounce the illegal sanctions.

“The sanctions are not affecting Cde Mugabe, Cde Mutasa or Cde Muchinguri, for example," said Mutasa.

"No, these sanctions are not affecting us as the leadership, but they are affecting you seriously. That is why we are saying let us go and tell the world that these sanctions must be removed now.

"We should tell the world that anyone who supports these sanctions is the enemy of the people of Zimbabwe,” said Mutasa.

He challenged Zanu-PF members to forge unity of purpose in defending the country’s national sovereignty in the coming election by ensuring that the party sweeps to victory.

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