
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Chinese foreign minister to visit Zimbabwe

Chinese foreign minister to visit Zimbabwe
By: Ralph Mutema
Posted: Tuesday, February 8, 2011 10:56 am

CHINESE Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will Zimbabwe on Thursday to help strengthen ties between the Asian powerhouse which has remained supportive of Zimbabwe, despite illegal western sanctions.

Yang's two-day visit is "to further consolidate bonds and friendships between our two peoples," the Chinese embassy in Harare said. He is expected to meet President Mugabe and senior government officials.

"We are confident that after Minister Yang's visit, Sino-Zimbabwe relations will be uplifted to a higher level," ambassador Xin Shunkang told journalists, when announcing Yang's visit.

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Yang's visit comes weeks after Zimbabwe's investment promotion minister Tapiwa Mashakada announced plans by China Development Bank to fund investments to the tune of US$10 billion in Zimbabwe's mining, agriculture and infrastructure sectors.

Zimbabwe and China have political ties dating back before Zimbabwe's independence when Beijing provided arms and training to guerrillas fighting British colonial rule.

China has also been pivotal in protecting Zimbabwe at the UN. In 2008 China vetoed a UN Security Council resolution seeking sanctions against Harare.

Chinese construction companies are involved in major projects in Zimbabwe, including the construction of the country's main sports stadium and several government buildings.

Ambassador Xin said Yang's visit at the invitation of his Zimbabwe counterpart was to "show our support to Zimbabwe's justified requests at international arena and exploit and expand our mutually beneficial co-operation."

In 2010 China exported $159 million worth of goods to Zimbabwe, according to the national statistics agency.

Political commentator Christopher Mutsvangwa said Yang's impending visit was an affirmation of burgeoning ties.

"The political bond is now taking an economic dimension as China is looking at business opportunities in Zimbabwe," Mutsvangwa, a former ambassador to China, said.

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