Monday, February 07, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Illegal demonstrations will be crushed: Mnangagwa

Illegal demonstrations will be crushed: Mnangagwa
Posted: Monday, February 7, 2011 9:49 am

DEFENCE Minister and Zanu-PF secretary for Legal Affairs, Emmerson Mnangagwa, said Zimbabweans wishing to unconstitutionally oust the Government by staging "illegal" demonstrations and engaging in violence will be crushed.

Mnangagwa was speaking at an army function to honour retiring officers in Harare. He said that Zimbabwe police are waiting to act on any reports of violence and 'crush' it.

“Those who may want to emulate what happened in Egypt and Tunisia will regret. Everybody is warned to keep peace in the country," he said.

"The Police are told that wherever violence rears its ugly head it should be crushed.”

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“There are some ill informed citizens who think that officers can not be politicians, the military produces good politicians.We need more and more of them to be involved,” he said.

Since the ouster of Tunisian president, Ben Ali demonstrators in Egypt have demanded the ouster of their long ruling President Hosni Mubarak - a close ally of the United States.

Mubarak has remained in power despite protesters demonstrating for almost two weeks, and former ally, United States, seems to be breaking rank with the Egyptian administration, by calling for a smooth transition and the government in Egypt to institute reforms.

Mubarak has indicated that he will leave power in September.

A "final push" organised by then opposition leader, Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai about five years ago to remove President Robert Mugabe from power failed to materialise after police and the army prevented demonstrations which they said had not been cleared by authorities.

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