
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Vote for leaders who can deliver - Mazombwe

Vote for leaders who can deliver - Mazombwe
By Kombe Chimpinde
Thu 10 Feb. 2011, 04:02 CAT

VOTE for leaders who are capable of delivering meaningful development, says Cardinal Medardo Mazombwe. Cardinal Mazombwe said in an interview that Zambians should not only choose leaders that will merely govern but those that can deliver significant development to them.

“As we go for elections this year, let us look at those people who are capable of delivering materials that are going to help us develop to some significant degree. We don’t only need people who are capable but people that have a heart for humanity because God created us to have life and to have it in abundance and anybody who destroys lives has got no share in our development,” Cardinal Mazombwe said.

He said Zambians had the responsibility to ensure that leaders who will transform the nation were elected, hence the need for them to participate in the electoral process.

“The responsibility is with us to know who up until now has shown that he or she is capable of delivering development for this country from what he or she says, from the kind of person they are and and from that we are going to decide. We want each one of us to participate at whatever level,” Cardinal Mazombwe said.

He said peace and unity was what should bind Zambians prior to and during elections.

Cardinal Mazombwe said the country needed peace and unity for all citizens to fully enjoy the benefits of the country’s abundant resources.

“Each one of us has a minimum of goodness so we don’t have to dehumanize each other .We must have respect for human life and human beings. When God created us he said it was good. So there must be goodness in us,” he said.

Mazombwe called on the government to exercise its will and promote the wishes and recommendations of the people in the Constitution.

He said Zambians had been clear during the Mung’omba Constitution Review
Commission about the kind of constitution they wanted to have.

“A process has been going on, what is now needed is goodwill to assemble what we have said and put in place a constitution to say as Zambians that at this particular time in the history of our country we are going to move forward,” Cardinal Mazombwe said.

And Cardinal Mazombwe has called on the media to uphold high standards of ethics and professionalism in their coverage in the interest of unity in the country.

“God has given you (journalists) a gift of compiling and disseminating news, this should be news that will drive us to unite, news that promotes communication. Etymology of the word communication means to make people act.

So if you carry something divisive you will make us rise,” Cardinal Mazombwe said.

And officiating at the launch of the contraction of Daughter of Mary Immaculate (DMI) St Eugene University in Katuba on Monday, Cardinal Mazombwe said educational, technological and skills training are vital for the development of the nation.

“A university is the highest level of learning and that’s the reason why there is a university in the world and why a university is so important. It is for human development,” Cardinal Mazombwe said.

He thanked the daughters of Mary Immaculate, the founders of DMI St Eugene University, for establishing the university in Zambia.

Cardinal Mazombwe said the university was not only going to enhance high levels of education among people in the surrounding areas but also improve development in the country.

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