
Monday, February 14, 2011

(ZIMPAPERS) Chiefs to engage Queen Elizabeth over sanctions

Chiefs to engage Queen Elizabeth over sanctions
Sunday, 13 February 2011 10:46 Top Stories
By Tinashe Farawo

THE Chiefs Council has resolved to send a high-level delegation to the United Kingdom to persuade Queen Elizabeth to help immediately end illegal economic sanctions imposed on the country.

The resolution was made at the end of the chiefs’ two-day meeting in Harare last week. President of the Chiefs; Council Chief Fortune Charumbira said last week that the delegation would meet Queen Elizabeth and craft ways to end the economic sanctions.

He said the resolution was made after the chiefs realised that sanctions were hurting the ordinary people in rural areas and high- density suburbs.

“The delegation will be dispatched to the UK and other European countries where there are royal institutions as soon as possible,” said Chief Charumbira.

The chiefs also called upon the three principals not to extend the lifespan of the Global Political Agreement and start preparing for elections. Chief Charumbira said the inclusive Government was dysfunctional and it was in the best interests of the majority to go for elections.

“There is no doubt that the inclusive Government has been problematic and we demand elections so that people can choose a government of their choice,” he said. Chief Charumbira said although there had been some stability because of the inclusive Government, the benefits did not trickle down to the ordinary people in the countryside.

He said perpetrators of violence should be punished.
The Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development, Cde Ignatius Chombo, told the chiefs that they should embrace the Community Share Ownership Trusts to enable communities to benefit from the proceeds of mining activities in their respective areas.

“The proceeds will enable communities to build and maintain social infrastructure such as schools, clinics and hospitals,” Cde Chombo said while addressing the chiefs’ meeting.

Minister Chombo said traditional leaders should always be vigilant and guard against imperialist machinations seeking to reverse the gains of the liberation struggle.
He said they should work closely with the Government and its sub-national structures on matters of service delivery and good governance.

Cde Chombo said non-governmental organisations should get the blessings of traditional leaders to carry out any activities in their communities.

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