
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Agriculture institute embarks on improving farmers’ livelihoods

Agriculture institute embarks on improving farmers’ livelihoods
By Lawrence Kabutu in Choma
Thu 31 Mar. 2011, 04:00 CAT

THE Zambia Agricultural Research Institute has been commended for embarking on research technologies aimed at improving farmers’ livelihoods.

Choma district commissioner Laiven Apuleni called on agricultural scientists at Mochipapa Agriculture Research Station to conduct their work based on careful analysis of the needs of farmers in Southern Province.

Apuleni said this in a speech read on his behalf by Choma district administrative officer Vincent Sikanyela during a field day at Mochipapa Agriculture Research Station in Choma yesterday.

Apuleni noted that small-scale farmers should not remain behind with diverse contemporary agriculture technologies while commercial farmers who are privileged to obtain agricultural technologies from other sources continue to perform better.

He urged agricultural service providers who attended the field to improve their services to famers by supplying farming inputs and equipment on time at competitive but affordable prices.

Apuleni clarified that the government’s attachment to agriculture development had been demonstrated by the fact that agricultural researchers continued carrying out on-farm trials (experiments) and demonstrations at farmers’ fields.

He noted that on-farm trials were clear testimony that farmers are able to change from unproductive practices of farming to more profitable and sustainable production systems that will enhance crop yields.

Apuleni pointed out that trials carried out were aimed at demonstrating the efficacy of improved technologies and provide a platform through which stakeholders in the agriculture sector can learn and share information about how to maximize and get the best out of the farmers’ efforts.

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