Sunday, March 27, 2011

Caritas blames govt for political violence

Caritas blames govt for political violence
By Edwin Mbulo
Sun 27 Mar. 2011, 04:00 CAT

FAILURE to enforce laws that prevent violence is a sign of weakness on the part of government, says Nathanial Mubukwanu.

In an interview, Mubukwanu who is Caritas Mongu director, said Zambia lacks a political will to stop violence as the perpetrators have been given the mandate of the nation’s security.

“Failure to enforce laws that prevent violence is a sign of weakness on the part of government. It is not too late to stop it. When people get attacked, they retaliate. As they say, violence begets violence,” Mubukwanu said.

He said laws that can stop perpetrators of violence existed but were not being implemented by the police.

“We need political will to implement laws that prevent violence, but the problem is that those who seem to be benefiting from the propagation of violence have been given the mandate of our security,” he said.

“This issue of violence has been there for a long time. It started with the Post newspapers and people complained but it seemed it was falling on deaf ears until it later spread to government-owned media,” Mubukwanu said.

He said the whole issue of violence has since been well organised, with the MMD taking over institutions such as bus stations and markets, which are supposed to be run by the council.

Mubukwanu said violence could get worse as the country draws close to election time this year if nothing is done to stop violent tendencies.

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