
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kunda is a defender of criminals and corruption

Kunda is a defender of criminals and corruption
By The Post
Sat 19 Mar. 2011, 04:00 CAT

Who can George Kunda fool on the issue of Frederick Chiluba’s corruption and corruption in general in this country? George has been a defender of corruption and corrupt elements, and of everything that is wrong.

It does not surprise us that today George can stand up to tell the Zambian people that they were wrong about Chiluba’s corruption. It is this same George who, up to this day, has failed to justify his foolish defence of Kashiwa Bulaya’s corruption.

It was George who told his boss then, Levy Mwanawasa, that Bulaya was innocent and that the Task Force was wrong to prosecute him for corruption.

George put up a spirited fight to defend this criminal. George was even prepared to break the Constitution in order to achieve this evil goal.

This is why to this day, George has failed to tell the nation what was contained in the opinion of the then acting Director of Public Prosecutions Caroline Sokoni.

When he accused this newspaper of misleading the nation on Bulaya’s fraudulently obtained nolle prosequi which his hand-picked Director of Public Prosecutions Chalwe Mchenga signed, George even released classified government documents to try and cheat the nation.

Conveniently, he left out one letter which was key to understanding his criminal scheme; this is what came to be known as ‘Sokoni’s letter’.

To this day, George does not have the courage to show the public what was contained in that letter.

This is the character who today is trying to launder Chiluba, claiming that he is innocent.

He forgets that there is a judgment passed in the United Kingdom which found Chiluba liable of embezzling government funds.

If Chiluba is as innocent as George will now have us believe, why did an independent court find him guilty?

We are not surprised that George continues his attempt to malign the decent and honest work of all those officers and other distinguished citizens who served in the Task Force.

And some of these officers are still in service in our intelligence services, Anti Corruption Commission, Drug Enforcement Commission, Zambia Police and other public service institutions. George cannot insult them in this careless and uncaring way.

These are honest people, more honest than George himself, who have served our country with sufficient honour and integrity.

We know that throughout this process, George was on the side of the corrupt and of corruption.

The case of Bulaya is not the only example of George defending the corrupt and corruption.

Maybe this is why Rupiah has found him so useful.

He seems to have no scruples about defending criminals, corruption and everything that is wrong.

We do not think it will be very long before we all begin to understand why George is so determined to defend corruption.

It is not normal for a person who is otherwise honest in his life to so consistently defend that which is wrong.

Where one observes such behaviour, there is need to conclude that such a dogged defender of wrong may himself be a wrongdoer, which is why they find it difficult to stand on the side of what is right.

Although, the buck stops at Rupiah Banda, we all know that it is George who championed the removal of the abuse of office offence from our Anti Corruption Commission Act to entrench corruption and protect the corrupt.

It is also the same George who championed the defence of the scandalous acquittal of Chiluba and his tandem of thieves. George made sure that these clearly outrageous decisions were not appealed.

And today he wants to tell us that Chiluba is innocent.
If Chiluba is innocent, who is guilty? George?

It is nonsensical for George to tell the nation that Chiluba does not have any assets and that the Task Force misled the government. What does he take our people for?

We have been reporting about Chiluba’s attempt to repossess properties that were seized by the state.

Through his lawyers, Chiluba even tried to have a public servant from the Bank of Zambia imprisoned for refusing to hand over these looted properties.

To this day, Chiluba is still trying hard to get those properties.

These are not cheap properties.

The building that houses the South African High Commission is owned by Tedworth, a Panamanian registered company, which Chiluba used to launder the money he had stolen from the Zambian people.

This company also owns the building that houses the United Nations High Commission for Refugees.

Both these properties are in Lusaka’s Kabulonga area which has some of the most expensive properties in our country today.

Not far from a government business area, Tedworth also has blocks of highly sought after flats.

These are properties that we have told them are owned by Chiluba.

The Task Force seized them but today George is trying to give them back to Chiluba using all sorts of corrupt schemes and abuse of power.

If George was honest, he would know that Chiluba did not register the assets that he plundered in his name.

He had seasoned crooks like Faustin Kabwe to hide his loot.

The only trouble Chiluba may have is that these crooks may have even hidden some of the things from himself.

There were so many properties that were recovered, registered in all sorts of front companies allegedly coming from outside Zambia.

Even the house where Chiluba is today, along Kabulonga’s Serval Road, is part of this same loot. So what is George talking about?

We know that George wants to defend criminals and their crimes but he should not try to demean the honest work of very honest officers who helped this country not only to recover but also to know the extent to which their political leaders can go to steal from them and pretend all is well.

Chiluba and his tandem of thieves even bought properties in Belgium which were recovered by the Task Force.

But George’s criminal government is not interested in those properties because it makes their political consultant look bad. This political engineering that they are trying to do will not help them.

The truth of Chiluba’s crimes is now well known the world over.

No amount of lies, deceit, calumny, manipulation will cleanse Chiluba of his crimes and the tag that he has earned of being a thief.

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