
Friday, March 25, 2011

Kunda’s language raises concern

Kunda’s language raises concern
By Mwila Chansa in Kitwe
Fri 25 Mar. 2011, 04:01 CAT

NKANA parliamentarian Mwenya Musenge has advised Vice-President George Kunda to show maturity in the way he conducts his campaigns.

And he has challenged Vice-President Kunda and the MMD to disclose the source of the money they were handing out in brown envelopes during his visit to the Copperbelt recently.

Commenting on Vice-President Kunda's attacks on PF leader Michael Sata, whom Kunda described as a mad man, Musenge urged Kunda to realise he was Republican Vice-President and that his conduct therefore needed to be above board. Speaking when he addressed a rally at Changanamai grounds in Kwacha East on Tuesday, Vice-President Kunda alleged that Sata was mad and his party had been raising funds from foreign powers that have legalised homosexuality.

Vice-President Kunda further charged that Sata was a hard-core criminal. The Vice-President used abusive language against MMD opponents throughout his speech.

“Let me now address you about the behaviour of Michael Chilufya Sata. Sata is mad. In fact, HH has revealed he walked out of the pact because Sata was using the pact to raise funds for homosexual activities from foreign powers that allow the practice in their countries,” Vice-President Kunda alleged. He also claimed Colonel Panji Kaunda was a disgrace to the military profession.

“Lastly let me talk about this man Panji Kaunda. Panji has been advocating violence, bloodshed. Panji is a colonel, very well trained, there (military) they teach discipline. How can he advocate bloodshed? Panji, Panji, Panji, Panji, sure! Why? We have only restrained ourselves because he comes from a dignified family but we will take him on if he continues attacking us,” he said. “We know he is broke, that is why he is attacking us, we are not responsible for his suffering, the economy is booming, let him just work hard.”

But Musenge said it was embarrassing for Vice-President Kunda to be insulting opponents.

“It is embarrassing for him to be showering insults at his perceived or actual opponents. It is an embarrassment not only to the MMD but to the nation at large because the man is a Republican Vice-President,” Musenge said.

He said that at his level, Vice-President Kunda needed to be in the forefront, articulating issues and not fabricating lies against his opponents.

Musenge also advised President Rupiah Banda and Vice-President Kunda to advocate free and fair elections instead of preaching hatred. He said those in leadership positions should understand that leadership was all about service to the people and if they failed to provide that service, they needed to give a chance to others to try to provide that service.

And Musenge said the MMD should not use brown envelopes to manipulate people's minds. He observed that the MMD were using the same poverty that they had imposed on Zambians to try and manipulate their minds ahead of this year's general elections.

“The people want to see development in their areas but it has not been forthcoming due to lack of funds but just because there is an election, the MMD suddenly has a lot of money to distribute. Where is this money coming from?” he asked.

Musenge said Zambians had already been “beaten once” and that this year, they would be “twice shy”.

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