
Thursday, March 10, 2011

MMD can’t be trusted - Lucas Phiri

MMD can’t be trusted - Lucas Phiri
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Thu 10 Mar. 2011, 04:00 CAT

THE bill that empowers the Minister of Education to lease schools will make a comeback if the MMD wins this year’s election, says Lucas Phiri. Phiri who is former Chipangali MP said the MMD government could not be trusted in anything.

“I know the MMD very well and what it will do. That bill allowing the selling of schools will return if MMD wins the election. Look at the allowances of ministers and members of parliament. After the death of his predecessor, Rupiah Banda promised the nation that he would not assent to that bill, but what happened when he won as President? That was the first thing he did,” Phiri said in an interview in Chipata on Monday.

He said the nation should not believe the MMD’s lies over the bill.

“The withdrawal of this bill is temporary so people in rural areas should be very careful. If the MMD is re-elected poverty levels will go high,” Phiri said.

He said the playing field in the Chiparamba local government by-election was not a level one.

Phiri said the PF could not accept defeat in Chiparamba because it was not genuine, the MMD won it through vote-buying.

He commended the people of Chiparamba for not engaging in violence in the run-up to the by-election.

“Our party will never be violent even though our president (Michael Sata) is being insulted every day by failures who have no message to deliver to the people of Zambia,” said Phiri, who is PF provincial chairman.

But Chipata district MMD chairman Sinoya Mwale said allegations levelled against his party were baseless.

He urged Phiri to accept defeat because the MMD was more popular in the province than any other political party.

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