
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mpombo responds to HH’s claims

Mpombo responds to HH’s claims
By George Chellah
Tue 29 Mar. 2011, 04:02 CAT

HAKAINDE Hichilema is too immature and arrogant, says George Mpombo. Reacting to Hichilema's claim that he should be grateful because he once assisted him with cash, Mpombo, who is Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament, denied ever receiving any assistance from Hichilema, saying there was something terribly wrong with the UPND president.

“I find this chap's claims and allegations appalling, grotesque and galling. And his lies are a product of a distorted mind. Hichilema is an incorrigible liar with a limping conscience because I have had no contact with this chap,” Mpombo said.

“He is telling lies about the K10 million. He has never given me any money. I have been on my own since I left government two years ago and I have managed and I am still managing. Hichilema is just a cheap braggadocio.”

Mpombo said on several occasions Hichilema had sent overtures for him to join UPND.

“I outrightly rejected those overtures on principle because firstly, he refused to work with Levy Mwanawasa. Secondly, Hichilema is just an albatross hanging around UPND and he suffers from some debilitating form of political megalomaniac to the extent that he lives in self-delusion by trying to compare himself with US president Barack Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron on the basis of age,” Mpombo said.

He said leadership was not about age.

“It’s about maturity and capacity to understand issues and provide mature solutions. But Hichilema is too immature and inexperienced. What he doesn't know is that Obama didn't just come from the blues, he was a senator, even Cameron has a rich political history,” Mpombo said.

“It's not just about being young, it's about being young and having a robust brain. The only qualification that chap Hichilema brings on the table is his role in the privatisation rip off, which has destroyed a lot of families' and left him rich. How callous!”

Mpombo said unlike Obama and Cameron, Hichilema was just plucked from pitiful levels of political ignorance and ordained to become the leader of UPND, a move that had now proved to be disastrous.

“Anderson Mazoka was a legendary leader no wonder Zambians across the country voted for him in 2001 and cannot be compared to this inferior, immature and childish leadership that Hichilema is providing today. I was in the UPND of the Mazoka days so I know what I am talking about. In fact, it’s clear that Hichilema derives sensual thrill in taking over political parties whose founder leaders have passed on,” Mpombo said. “He forcefully took over UPND after the unfortunate demise of Mazoka and this time he went to my late brother Ken Ngondo’s All People’s Congress (APC). He was also hoping that Mr Sata will be in the same situation but by God's grace Mr Sata is alive. Hakainde is a man with a perverted and depraved mission, shame on him.”

Mpombo said it was shocking that a man who aspires to be President could concoct lies about the recent Mutaba local government by-election in Ndola rural.

“That chap went on vortex of vicious smear campaign against me and Mr Sata. But despite camping in Mutaba for four days together with his vice-president Richard Kapita and his entire national executive committee, he lost the election. He was the only president in that ward by-election and he lost. Surely, is that something he can be proud of? Did he see Rupiah or Sata in Mutaba?” Mpombo asked.

“That chap and his henchmen where camped at Shem Musala's village dishing out money, bicycles and slaughtering animals but still they couldn't make it. That in itself confirms that the chap has no national constituency. Hichilema should just consider standing as councillor in Kabulonga where he resides or somewhere else just in case Kabulonga proves to be an uphill battle for him too.”

Mpombo said if UPND wanted to come back into political limelight, they should ditch Hichilema's blunder-prone stewardship. He said Hichilema had failed to provide inspiring leadership as seen by his recent pathetic union with APC.
Mpombo said had Hichilema been a humble person, he would currently be president of Zambia.

“That chap without his misplaced pride and arrogance he should have been in State House now. When Mr Mazoka died he was called to State House by Mr Mwanawasa and told him that he wanted to work with him. Clearly, if that chap were humble he would be president and not Rupiah Banda. Cheap pride and immaturity is what will crush the youngman,” he said.

Mpombo said Panji Kaunda's revelations in the Sunday Post painted a very disturbing picture of Hichilema.

“Surely how does a leader seeking office say 'I am UPND and UPND is me or I will be the last Tonga standing?' Leadership shouldn't be based on tribe. Hichilema has demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that he is totally incapable for the office of president,” Mpombo said. “Hichilema's tribal inclinations rules him out of the race for presidency completely because a president must be one who is truthful and a unifier. Generally, Tongas are very good people, it's only this chap who has a problem.”

Mpombo said even with some coverage from the public media, Hichilema was still heading nowhere.

“He forgets that some of us are MMD and we interact with ministers and other senior leaders. We know what’s happening in so far as UPND and MMD are concerned. In fact, currently there are specific instructions to the public media to give him maximum coverage on condition that he is insulting Mr Sata and not RB,” Hichilema said. “No wonder, he keeps insulting Mr Sata almost on a daily basis in his quest to campaign for RB. He is not even talking about what he would do or his so-called socio-economic programmes he is so obsessed with.

“Currently, Hichilema is not any different from the likes of Chanda Chimba and Lifwekelo and all those lumpens working as Rupiah's vuvuvelas. He thinks we don't know the scheme; there are orders that the moment he diverts from the agreed position, which is insulting Mr Sata, he will not receive any coverage from the state media. Even on the constitution bill, the MMD is delaying to bring it up for debate in Parliament because they are currently in negotiation for UPND support to meet the two-thirds majority.”

Mpombo said UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma had just confirmed his initial statement that Hichilema was campaigning for President Banda.

“Those chaps are in disarray because whilst Hichilema is denying, his right-hand man Kakoma is saying that 'PF is no match to the MMD in the forthcoming elections',” Mpombo said. “Does that sound like somebody is campaigning for his party? As things stand now, Hichilema and UPND have ruled themselves out of the contest and they have resolved to campaign for RB. I have been vindicated and Zambians should just be on the lookout because more is yet to come.”

Yesterday, Hichilema was quoted in the Times of Zambia as having said that Mpombo had no influence in Kafulafuta and among the Lambas in general.

Hichilema claimed that he assisted Mpombo with cash but refused to disclose further details on the matter. He advised Mpombo to be grateful to people that assist him when he is facing serious problems.

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