
Monday, March 28, 2011

MUZ urges 50%+1 in electoral Act

MUZ urges 50%+1 in electoral Act
By Misheck Wangwe
Mon 28 Mar. 2011, 04:00 CAT

THE inclusion of 50 per cent plus one threshold in the electoral Act before elections is inevitable because Zambians deserve a popular Republican president, according to Mineworkers Union of Zambia.

In an interview, MUZ general secretary Oswell Munyenyembe said there was need for government to respect the demands of the people who initially spoke through the Mung'omba draft constitution that the country needed the 50 per cent plus one vote for the winning presidential candidate.

He said there was no need for the government and stakeholders to continue fighting over constitutional reforms because it was clear that elections would only be credible if the wishes of the people were embraced by the Constitution. “ It's the people of Zambia who have been calling for constitutional reforms for many years. The issue of 50 per cent plus one and the need for other critical clauses to be enshrined in the constitution has always been the people's voice. So the people's calls must be respected because we need credible elections this year and the threshold would enhance the legitimacy of the elected president and his government,” Munyenyembe said.

And Munyenyembe said the politics of insults and character assassination that had been embraced by politicians were not inspiring the electorates.

He said every well-meaning Zambians, including mineworkers, who had influence in the electoral process were interested in seeing issue based campaigns.

Munyenyembe said insults and violent campaigns were extremely embarrassing and would not end poverty or address the many economic challenges the country was facing.

“ The government should tell the nation what it has done for the people and why it deserves to remain in power. The opposition should also tell the people what it will do to transform the economy and bring positive change. If the minds of politicians are occupied with real issues, electorates will have the opportunity to make wise decisions and that's the essence of democracy,” he said.

Munyenyembe said people would be able to see and judge who would make a better government by looking at the manner in which they were conducting their campaigns.

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