
Thursday, March 03, 2011

Relocate illegal settlers in Misaka forest reserve - Chifubu MP

Relocate illegal settlers in Misaka forest reserve - Chifubu MP
By Bright Mukwasa
Thu 03 Mar. 2011, 04:00 CAT

CHIFUBU parliamentarian Susan Kawandami has called on the government to consider relocating the increasing illegal settlers in the Misaka forest reserve in Ndola.

In an interview, Kawandami said the government ought to quickly look for an alternative piece of land where the population could be settled as it was increasing at a fast rate.

“We need to relocate these people to some place. I think we have over 2000 illegal settlers in the forest,” Kawandami said.

She said the people occupying the forest reserve did not have access to social amenities, making their lives difficult.

“We need to move them to a place where they can access basic necessities, where children can go to a proper school and have proper medical facilities,” Kawandami said.

She said it was a challenge on the part of government to facilitate the relocation in order to conserve the forests.

Kawandami also said her constituency was considering buying a grader using the Constituency Development Fund for the rehabilitation of the area's road network which was in a deplorable state.

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