
Friday, March 18, 2011

Rupiah is acting with impunity, says Simuusa

Rupiah is acting with impunity, says Simuusa
By Edwin Mbulo in Livingstone
Fri 18 Mar. 2011, 04:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda's leadership has exhibited a lot of arrogance and leaves much to be desired, says Wilbur Simuusa. In an interview, Simuusa, who is PF Nchanga member of parliament, said President Banda (left) was acting with impunity.

“His leadership has been dogged by scandals such as the Zamtel issue which was reddled with corruption, the US $15 million NAPSA land scandal and yet he turns around as if nothing has happened. The leadership of President Rupiah Banda leaves much to be desired as it shows high levels of arrogance,” he said.

Simuusa said President Banda was taking Zambians for granted.

“There is the issue of the windfall tax, which even the donor community has commented on in support yet he remains stubborn, he is acting with much impunity of Boma ni Boma (government is government),” Simuusa said.

He also expressed shock at President Banda's statement that anyone who would compute and tabulate results of the forthcoming elections would be committing a crime.

He is taking us for granted. He is insulting our intelligence. He thinks we are docile. What is wrong with PVT (Parallel Vote Tabulation)? The ECZ would be collecting and announcing the results from various centers and we shall also be collecting our own data and verify it with their announced results by ECZ,” Simuusa said.

He said ECZ chairperson Ireen Mambilima knew that PVT was not criminal and accused President Banda of painting a picture which did not exist.

Simuusa said President Banda's pronouncements on economic gains and development did not match with what was on the ground.

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