
Monday, March 28, 2011

Rupiah must go - Mututwa

Rupiah must go - Mututwa
By Mwala Kalaluka
Mon 28 Mar. 2011, 04:01 CAT

President Rupiah Banda and his MMD government must go because he is unapologetic over the Mongu shootings and killings, says Maxwell Mututwa.

Commenting on the amputation of Mongu resident Davison Siyoto's right leg after his kneecap was shattered during police shootings in Mongu on January 14, 2011, 92-year-old Mututwa, a former Ngambela prime minister of Barotseland, said from Senanga yesterday that it’s time for President Banda and his MMD government to vacate office before they commit further bloodshed.

Mututwa was in January this year arrested and charged with treason on issues related to the Barotseland Agreement but was discharged through a nolle prosequi.

“I am very disappointed with what is happening that the government can kill and injure people like that without even apologising,” Mututwa said.

“Now, this young man Siyoto who used to sustain himself, how is he going to survive now that his leg has been cut? Western Province is deeply hurt and we are in mourning. President Banda should be ready to answer questions the day we meet.”

Mututwa said it was surprising that the government was even boasting that they wanted the MMD to come back to power after the 2011 general elections after causing bloodshed in Western Province.

“No, the MMD is like flood waters that recedes when the time comes and the time has come for them to go,” Mututwa said. “It was probably meant to rule for 20 years and now that 20 years has passed it is time for the waters to recede. This year the MMD will demise whether they like it or not so that a new government takes over.”

Mututwa said it was self-deception for Vice-President George Kunda to continue saying that the MMD would be in power for another 20 years.
“This year they are going out because no one can vote for them. Goodbye,” Mututwa said. “President Rupiah Banda should not kill people again because he is going out of office.”

Mututwa said for as long as the government did not apologise to the people of Western Province over the killings and injuries sustained from the police shootings, no dialogue would take place over the Barotseland
Agreement of 1964.

“I wanted to advise them on this issue and I ended up being detained in Chimbokaila Lusaka Central Prison. I want compensation from this government for all the torment I have suffered at their hands,” Mututwa said. “The Barotse National Council BNC should advise President Banda to release all the people who are detained over the Barotseland Agreement because they have done nothing wrong. The government is the one that is wrong for shooting people. This government must apologise before dialogue commences.”

Mututwa said the world opinion was that the Barotseland Agreement was alive and this was a position that the government fully agreed with.

“We take note of the solidarity from the Roman Catholic Church and the solidarity from the Christian Council of Zambia,” he said.

Mututwa said it was imperative that the international community gets involved in the dialogue that would take place over the Barotseland Agreement so that President Banda does not shed the people's blood again.

During the Mongu fracas, two people were shot dead and several others were injured whilst another took his life out of fear of arrest.

Vice-President Kunda last month in Parliament justified the killings of two people and the use of live ammunition by the police in Mongu, saying police officers are allowed to use firearms in exceptional circumstances.

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