
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sata explains his position on homosexuality

Sata explains his position on homosexuality
By George Chellah
Thu 17 Mar. 2011, 04:01 CAT

PF leader Michael Sata says at no time has he advocated to legalise homosexuality in Zambia. And Sata stated that the smear campaign against him by the MMD government should be defeated at every cost.

Reacting to the recent statement attributed to him on homosexuality, Sata yesterday stated that his humble statement to the delegation from Denmark was misunderstood with a view to instigate anger in Zambians against him and gain political mileage.

“I wish to correct the misconception over my position on homosexuality in Zambia, if elected President of the Republic of Zambia. It is a duty of every noble statesman to making himself clear on issues that cause anxiety in the nation. I, therefore, wish to state that the words being misquoted in their natural and ordinary meaning, the words meant and should be understood to mean that: 1. In Zambia, we have laws and that we are governed by the rule of law and not the rule of men,” Sata stated.

“ 2. The laws in question are: (a) The Constitution of Zambia Chapter 1 of the Laws of Zambia (b) The Marriage Act Chapter 50 (c) The Penal Code Chapter 87 (d) The Criminal Procedure Code Chapter 88. The aforementioned Acts directly and without doubt adequately address the question of homosexuality in Zambia, which should at all times be enforced by the relevant institutions to preserve the moral standards we have set for our nation.”

Sata appealed to Zambians and the Church in particular not to be misled by the propaganda machinery of the MMD government, provoked by the fears of being removed through the ballot in this year's tripartite elections.

“Hence the desperation to tarnish my image based on blatant lies. And if the disciples of the MMD government claim that they are more Christian than others, then, they should practice what they preach, that is to say, conduct themselves in line with the principles of Zambia being a Christian nation. One of the fruits of a Christian as I understand, is not to tell lies, and the Bible is clear on that point and states that ‘thou shalt not lie and if you tell a lie it is imputed to you as sin’. Be mindful that those who are propagating lies to anger the people of Zambia are sinning against God. I also understand that the Bible in the book of Matthew Chapter 7 and verse 1 and 2 states that 'do not judge because by the same measure you will be judged also',” Sata stated. “The perception created by the government tabloids whose publication for Monday and Tuesday the 14th and 15th of March 2011, whose headlines state as follows respectively: (a) 'Sata finally takes true stand on homosexuality'. (b) 'Church slams Sata's gay rights stance'. (c) 'Church to de-campaign 'sinful Sata'. You can see that these are concocted and misleading statements by the MMD government in collaboration with its propaganda tools that is to say, The Times of Zambia, The Zambia Daily Mail and Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC)”.

Sata stated that the MMD government deliberately misdirected the country.

“It is very clear to me that my humble statement to the delegation from Denmark was misunderstood with a view to instigate anger in the people of Zambia against me and gain mileage on the political scene. The reason being that the MMD and its propaganda machinery chose to deliberately misdirect the nation, motivated by the spirit of deception. This is extremely immoral against the position of Zambia being a Christian nation which should strongly be condemned and not condoned by every peace loving Zambian,” Sata stated. “I therefore, further wish to reiterate my position on homosexuality in Zambia as follows: 1. I am a Christian and I strongly believe in Zambia being a Christian nation as enshrined in the preamble of the constitution, the supreme law of the land. 2. I respect human rights under the bill of rights enshrined in the Constitution of Zambia, Chapter 1 of the Laws of Zambia. 3. I believe in the rule of the law and not in the rule of men.

“4. I know and believe that we have adequate laws as I have stated earlier which address the position of Homosexuality in Zambia and that I am not the authority on the subject but the will of the people and the laws of this country. 5. We have an institution which makes laws and that is Parliament which has the mandate to make laws for this country. 6. At no time have I advocated to legalise Homosexuality in Zambia both in my personal capacity as well as Patriotic Front as a party.”

Sata stated that in his endeavour to serve Zambias as their President once elected, he would strive under oath to protect the Constitution as well as morals in the country based on Biblical standards.

“I also wish to caution my fellow countrymen and women, the Church and indeed the youth that everything you read or hear about me should be taken with a pinch of salt because there is a serious campaign by the MMD government against me whom by virtue of offering myself as a formidable opposition and a threat to their continued stay in government view me as their number one enemy and will do anything to discredit my image. They are a spent force which has lost its relevance in governance in Zambia,” Sata stated.

“I am also alive to the fact that the people of Zambia are tired to be ruled by a gang of thieves who have plunged this country to serious poverty levels and that the people of Zambia want change to which the Patriotic Front is the only alternative to change. I am also committed to work with anyone who has the interest of the people of Zambia at heart.”

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