
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sata is mad, says George Kunda

COMMENT - Well someone sounds like he is going to lose their job.

Sata is mad, says George Kunda
By Darious Kapembwa in Kitwe
Thu 24 Mar. 2011, 04:03 CAT

SATA is mad and his party has been raising funds from foreign powers that have legalised homosexuality, alleges Vice-President George Kunda. But Sata says if he is mad, Vice-President Kunda is “more mad” because only a mad man does things he cannot substantiate.

Meanwhile, Copperbelt Province minister Mwansa Mbulakulima has accused the Catholic Church through Caritas Zambia and other organisations of fomenting violence by advocating Parallel Vote Tabulation (PVT) in this year's general elections.

Speaking when he addressed a rally at Changanamai grounds in Kwacha East on Tuesday, Vice-President Kunda charged that Sata was a hard-core criminal.

Kunda used abusive language against MMD opponents throughout his speech.

“Let me now address you about the behaviour of Michael Chilufya Sata. Sata is mad, in fact HH has revealed that he walked out of the pact because Sata was using the pact to fundraise money for homosexual activities from foreign powers that allow the practice in their countries,” Kunda alleged.

Kunda did not spare the UPND which he described as a small party.

He said UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema had accepted that his party was small and not popular in all corners of the country even at the time they were in the pact with the Patriotic Front.

Kunda said Hichilema accepted that he could not field candidates in all elections except in Southern Province and a few areas in North Western Province because his party was not popular.

Vice-President Kunda claimed that Southern Province had now gone to MMD.

Sata is surrounded by proven homosexuals. All those that surround him have one thing in common but my government will not tolerate them,” said Kunda.

He alleged that Sata was a thief who stole a lot of money from the Ministry of Health when he was minister.

“Sata used to pocket the monies from this ministry and put into his personal account,” he alleged.

He also charged that Sata used to demolish shanty compounds without regard for people that lived there when he was local government minister.

“Sata is a chaff and chased a lot of people from MMD and it was good riddance for us when he left the party to form his party,” Kunda said.

In his bid to impress the sizable crowd that attended the rally, Kunda ended up making a mistake by saying Sata ruled the country at a time when there was a shortage of bread and mealie-meal.

He said Zambia was the envy of institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund due to the country's economic achievements under the leadership of President Rupiah Banda.

He said there was traffic congestion in towns and all rural areas symbolising economic growth in all parts of the country.

Kunda also claimed that every farmer in the country had received farming inputs under the Farmer Input Support Programme.

He however said the roads in most parts of the country were in a bad state and that the government had a programme to work on them.

And Kunda said Colonel Panji Kaunda was a disgrace to the military profession.

“Lastly let me talk about this man Panji Kaunda. Panji has been advocating violence, bloodshed. Panji is a colonel, very well trained, there (military) they teach discipline. How can he advocate bloodshed? Panji, Panji, Panji, Panji, sure! Why? We have only restrained ourselves because he comes from a dignified family but we will take him on if he continues attacking us,” he said. “We know he is broke, that is why he is attacking us, we are not responsible for his suffering, the economy is booming, let him just work hard.”

But Sata in response, wondered why the government where Kunda was justice minister and Vice-President had not prosecuted him if he had stolen any money.

“Kunda is more mad than me because when Levy Mwanawasa was alive, he told Mwanawasa that (former president Frederick) ‘Chiluba is a thief; let’s prosecute him’ and they spent billions prosecuting Chiluba but when Levy died, he tells Rupiah Banda that Chiluba is in fact a clean man. Who is mad between me and people that cannot even manage football?” asked Sata. “Football is now dead but people are there claiming to be running things smoothly. What kind of government is this?”

Sata said the next time Kunda comes to the Copperbelt, he should tell people what they had done for them not what they would do for them.

He also challenged Kunda to provide evidence that he had gotten money from countries that had legalised homosexuality.

Earlier, Mbulakulima launched an onslaught on the Catholic-owned Radio Ichengelo and former station manager Fr Frank Bwalya accusing the station of wanting to promote political unrest during the 2008 presidential by-election.

“Some people from nowhere want to bring confusion through PVT, Caritas, TIZ, Fr Bwalya and Simon Kabanda, all of them have one thing in common; they want to find a basis to bring chaos when MMD wins. They want to come and say these results are different from what we totalled and bring anarchy, we will not allow PVT,” Mbulakulima said.

As he was speaking, ZANAMA women were passing running unpalatables against the Catholic Church’s leadership which Mbulakulima acknowledged.

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