
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai expected to sign anti-sanctions petition

Tsvangirai expected to sign anti-sanctions petition
By: Our reporter
Posted: Wednesday, March 2, 2011 12:05 am

THE Zimbabwe National Anti-Sanctions Petition Campaign programme slated for tomorrow has been released by the inclusive Government. Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, who has failed to denounce the illegal embargo by the West, is expected to append his signature to the document.

His second-in-command in the MDC-T, Thokozani Khupe, is also expected to sign the petition.

Professor Arthur Mutambara, who is still clinging onto the leadership of the MDC despite being ousted t a recent party Congress is also expected to sign the petition.
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In the Global Political Agreement signed by the three parties - Zanu-PF, MDC-T and MDC - the principals agreed to call for an end to the illegal sanctions imposed by the West over a bilateral conflict between Zimbabwe and Britain over land reform in Zimbabwe.

Article IV of the GPA noted the "international isolation has over the years created a negative international perception of
Zimbabwe ... resulting in the further isolation of the country" and "contribution of this isolation to the further decline of the economy."

Some of the sanctions measures identified in the Agreement are the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act imposed by the United States of America Congress which outlaws Zimbabwe's right to access credit from International Financial Institutions in which the United States Government is represented.

The suspension of Zimbabwe's voting rights, suspension of balance of payment support, declaration of ineligibility to borrow Fund resources and suspension of technical assistance to Zimbabwe by the International Monetary Fund are measures also highlighted.

The World Bank has also suspended grants and infrastructural development support to Zimbabwe.

The full agenda of tomorrow's anti-sanctions campaign is as follows.

Delegates and invited guests will arrive between 6 am and 8 am while VIP’s and sector representatives are expected between 8am and 8.15 am.

Speeches by sector representatives will start shortly after 8.15 am up to 10 am when President Robert Mugabe will arrive after which he will deliver his keynote address.

This will be followed by the singing of the country’s National Anthem and prayer led by United Family International Church leader, Reverend Emmanuel Makandiwa.

From 10.40 am to 11 am, it will be time for solidarity messages by representatives of commerce, churches and traditional leaders.

The Zimbabwe National Anti-sanctions Petition will be introduced by Vice President John Nkomo from 11 am.

This will be followed by a key note address by President Mugabe on the occasion of the launch followed by entertainment.

From 11.55 am, it will be time for the signing ceremony, starting with President Mugabe and Vice President John Landa Nkomo.

Vice President Joice Mujuru will not be available at the launch due to some business commitments and as such, she has already signed the petition.

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai will sign after VP Nkomo, with Deputy Prime Ministers, Professor Arthur Mutambara and Ms Thokozani Khupe behind him.

They will be followed by senior government officials and then representatives of various organisations.

The launch will be officially closed by a vote of thanks by the Zanu-PF National Chairman, Simon Khaya Moyo.

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