
Thursday, March 17, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai seeks support ahead of Sadc meeting

Tsvangirai seeks support ahead of Sadc meeting
By: Our reporter
Posted: Thursday, March 17, 2011 6:50 am

RUSTRATED Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai yesterday met His Majesty King Mswati III for private talks in Swaziland ahead of next week's Sadc Troika meeting.

He is trying to influence the Troika members to consider the MDC-T's position in the inclusive Government ahead of the meeting. Tsvangirai wants the elections, expected this year, postponed until a new Constitution is adopted.

Two weeks ago Tsvangirai threatened to pull out of the inclusive Government saying it was not working and indicated that the MDC-T was now seeking a "divorce" from Zanu-PF.

He has since failed to follow-up that 'threat of withdrawal' with concrete action and is now seeking help to extend the life of the inclusive Government.

President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party wants elections held later this year soon after the country votes on a new constitution draft at a referendum.

Tsvangirai arrived in Swaziland from Zambia where he had met with President Banda, who is chairperson of the Troika on politics, defence and security.

Other members of the Sadc Troika are South African President Jacob Zuma and his Mozambican counterpart, Armando Guebuza.
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Tsvangirai arrived in Swaziland via a private jet through the Matsapha International Airport.

He was accompanied by Minister of State in Prime Minister’s office Jameson Timba among others and was said to be in the country to brief His Majesty about the situation in Zimbabwe and developments within the inclusive Government headed by President Robert Mugabe.

A press briefing was held yesterday upon completion of Tsvangirai’s visit.

On Tuesday Tsvangirai had also been to Mozambique where he met with Mozambican President Armando Guebuza.

"There are a few problems developing in terms of cohesion," Tsvangirai told reporters after the brief meeting the evening in the Mozambican capital Maputo.

"We are hoping the troika, which President Guebuza is leading, should be fully briefed," he said, referring to the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) Troika on Politics, Defence and Security.

The regional body should be involved in setting a "roadmap" for elections, Tsvangirai reiterated.

President Robert Mugabe’s spokesman George Charambasaid the elections would go on despite Tsvangirai's latest move.

“Let him go anywhere where he thinks he can get help, but I can assure you that the momentum in Zimbabwe is unstoppable,” Charamba told the NewsDay newspaper.

“There is no stopping. We are going for elections. The president has no respect for a political leader who conscripts a regional leader to douse a fire in his own home. The essence of politics is to be able to handle pressure.”

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