
Friday, March 18, 2011

With or without Pact, we’re going to win - Lubinda

With or without Pact, we’re going to win - Lubinda
By Patson Chilemba
Fri 18 Mar. 2011, 11:10 CAT

GIVEN Lubinda says he is very confident that with or without the Pact, PF will win this year's general election. Lubinda, who is now PF chairperson for local government and housing, said he was confident that party leader Michael Sata and PF would win this year's elections.

“I am very confident that a combination of Michael Sata and myself in Kabwata Constituency will deliver Michael Sata even better than he had in 2006 and 2008. And obviously I, too, will get much better votes than I got in 2006. There is no question about it,” Lubinda said.

“I have always said that the Pact was a very safe way of winning. That does not mean that without it we cannot win, no. It was just a safety measure to make sure you don't have too many competitors. Now, with or without the Pact, I am confident both at national level for president Michael Sata and for myself in Kabwata Constituency. I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever.”

Lubinda said when he stood on the UPND ticket in 2001, he defeated his closest rival Major Richard Kachingwe by a mere 300 votes. He said when he stood on the PF ticket in 2006, he overwhelmingly defeated his closest rival by close to 40,000 votes.

On President Rupiah Banda's move to change the law so that he could qualify for payment before three years in office, Lubinda said President Banda would not manage to stay in office for three years since the elections would be held before November, 2011.

He said President Banda was preparing for his exit.

Lubinda said President Banda had the trappings of a tyrant because he thought he was a law unto himself. He said time had come for Zambia to emulate Scandinavian countries where some laws could only take effect after a new parliament was in place.

Lubinda said those in President Banda's regime had no public shame because they could go with impunity to Parliament to implement a law to suit one person.

On President Banda's fears over the parallel voter tabulation (PVT), Lubinda said the Electoral Code of Conduct was very clear in regulation 14 which allowed the media to announce election results that were declared by the returning officer.

Lubinda said the code also allowed for updating the people on the progress of counting votes.

“It's only tyrants who think that way,” said Lubinda.

On the systematic take over of council institutions by MMD cadres in Lusaka, Lubinda said what was happening was a replica of events when President Banda and MMD Lusaka Province chairman William Banda reigned as governors.

He said it was the same President Banda who instructed ZANAMA to take over the operations of some markets on the Copperbelt in complete disregard of the Markets’ Act.

Lubinda said it was not surprising that William Banda was now demanding to be paid K1 million by MMD structures at Intercity Bus Terminus because he had failed to outlive the UNIP mentality.

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