
Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Delayed response irritates BRE

Delayed response irritates BRE
By Mwala Kalaluka in Limulunga
Wed 06 Apr. 2011, 04:01 CAT

THE Barotse Royal Establishment says President Rupiah Banda’s government is taking too long to respond to its suggestions on how to resolve the Barotseland Agreement controversy.

And the Barotse Royal Establishment's acting Ngambela prime minister Litia Walubita says people that were circulating rumours that the Litunga is 'dead' are pathological liars.

During an inter-denominational service attended by Litunga Lubosi Imwiko II at his Limulunga palace grounds on Friday morning, Ngambela Walubita said the BRE had not relaxed efforts to engage the government on the Barotseland Agreement issue.

“I know that people are very anxious about the Barotseland Agreement but we are not just seated,” Ngambela Walubita told a crowd that came to see Litunga Imwiko. “We are being prodded by the district royal establishments and the latest is the Imangambwa chief induna at Naliele in Kaoma, who is here with us and had been asking how far we are on this issue.”

Ngambela Walubita said the Barotse Royal Establishment BRE was of the view that issues around the Barotseland Agreement needed to be dealt with one at a time.

“Some people were sent to Lusaka to go and find out because the other time we Barotse National Council went to State House and told the government that ‘what we have come here for is not to secede. What we are here for is to ensure that our Agreement is respected,” Ngambela Walubita said.

“The President and his people gave their side and they said 'it won't take long, we shall respond to you.' But there will be a problem because people are now wondering when that response will come.”

Ngambela Walubita said in view of the silence from the government another BRE delegation was sent to Lusaka recently to go and find out the government's position on the matter.

“They came back the other day and they told us it was promising and that the government will reply this week,” Ngambela Walubita said. “That letter from the government will determine whether we go and meet with them or we call on people to come and dance the warriors' dance ngomalume.”

Ngambela Walubita, who rubbished assertions that the Litunga and his indunas had been paid billions of kwacha in order to kill the discourse on the Barotseland Agreement, urged the people to wait for the outcome of the BRE's involvement.

“Such kind of mudslinging is not constructive,” he said.

“It is shameful that some people from the royal family are also involved in this malicious campaign but it shall not take a while we will catch them.”

Ngambela Walubita said the Kuomboka Ceremony of the Lozi people would take place this year and rumours suggesting that it would not take place were baseless.

“Preparations have already started,” Ngambela Walubita said. “Next week I might be announcing the date for the Kuomboka.”

And Ngambela Walubita said the rumour that the Litunga had passed away was a wake up call to the BRE.

“Those lies that are circulating, tell the people that they are all lies. Look, today he Litunga Imwiko is here. Can you say someone is mad when he is not mad?” Ngambela Walubita said amidst ululations.

“But these rumours have made us realise that from now on we shall not allow our Litunga to be only in one place. We shall advise him to be mobile.”

Ngambela Walubita said those that continue to think that the Litunga was only benefitting by virtue of being on the throne should go to his village, Nasiyongo, and see the number of cattle he had.

“The Litunga is self-sustaining,” said Ngambela Walubita.

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