
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Economic growth must show - Catholic women

Economic growth must show - Catholic women
By Misheck Wangwe
Thu 28 Apr. 2011, 03:59 CAT

IT is difficult to appreciate the economic growth the government is talking about because it is just in figures and the poor are not feeling it, according to the National Council for Catholic Women.

In a statement, council chairperson Mary Mwale said many families especially in rural areas were struggling to survive because of widespread poverty.

She said the women’s Catholic council would only appreciate the economic growth which was being pronounced if it was translated into sufficient food and good shelter for the majority poor.

“It is still difficult for women and indeed men to feed their children and cloth them, provide shelter and provide the basics needed for human survival. Those in the economic sector have assured us that the economy is growing. We have no reason to doubt them. However, while the economy is growing, this is still only in terms of figures. The inflation is down and so on. We will appreciate more, this economic growth, when it shows on our tables in our homes,” Mwale said.

“Economic growth can only be appreciated the time our families will have enough to eat; when rentals become more affordable; when we have an all inclusive and consensus-based Republican Constitution that would protect the people.”

Mwale said although it was imperative to appreciate the government for building schools, hospitals and other infrastructure for national development, much more needed to be done to alleviate the sufferings of the majority poor.

She said it was surprising that while copper was doing well on the international market, roads used were in such a bad state.

“Everyone knows that copper prices are at an all time high. This will not always be the case. So why can’t the copper mines pay a bit more to the national treasurer? What are we getting as Zambians from our God-given natural resources? If these investors paid a bit more than they are doing now to government, the nation would be in a position to reduce taxes. The Zambian worker is burdened by over-taxation,” Mwale said.

She further said as the country goes to the polls, political parties must adopt more women candidates for Parliament.

Mwale said women across the political dispensation must be encouraged to offer themselves to aspire for different political offices.

She said authorities must also protect women who were aspiring for political office from violence and bad language.

Mwale said all well-meaning Zambians were expected to demand issue-based campaigns, free and fair elections.

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