Sunday, April 10, 2011

Explain police killings, demands Simuusa

Explain police killings, demands Simuusa
By By Kombe Chimpinde
Sun 10 Apr. 2011, 03:59 CAT

Wylbur Simuusa says the government owes Zambians an explanation over the continued killing of innocent people by police. Simuusa, who is Nchanga member of parliament, said Zambia risked having a situation were violence would become uncontrollable as every citizen would resort to defending themselves.

“Francis Kabonde, the Inspector General of Police, should give us a proper explanation on these killings by police. It’s not normal. In other countries such matters are treated seriously. But here we have not heard anything not to talk of convictions,” Simmusa said.

“My warning is if this is allowed to continue, violence in this country will become uncontrollable because what will be happening now is each one will be protecting him or herself because we can’t trust the police.”

Simuusa also condemned what he termed selective justice that was being administered by the MMD government.

He said it was unfair for the ruling government to only act on offences if they involved opposition parties.
Simuusa called for professionalism in the police service for the sake of peace and tranquility.

Several people have died at the hands of the police in a space of two months.

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