
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

(HERALD) I faked death to survive — Violence victim

I faked death to survive — Violence victim
Monday, 11 April 2011 23:38
By Fortious Nhambura

ROBERT TOZANA, the man who miraculuosly survived a brutal attack at the hands of MDC-T supporters at Warren Hills Cemetery last Wednesday says he only survived by feigning death, as MDC-T youths, who were being cheered on by some high-ranking party officials, called for his death.

In an exclusive interview with The Herald at his house in Highfield, Tozana accused MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai and his party's top brass of failing to restrain their supporters from brutally assaulting mourners during the unveiling of tombstones for MDC-T functionaries at Warren Hills Cemetery.

Police are yet to make arrests, although they say they are still investigating the incident that left many people including policemen injured.

A marked police truck, four commuter omnibuses and several cars were damaged by the stone-throwing youths.

"Our crime was to come singing, and then not joining the gathering that was being addressed by Mr Tsvangirai and other senior party officials. The MDC-T leader later fled the scene," Tozana said.

"Arriving at the cemetery singing and celebrating the life of our hero, Farai Gambe, attracted the attention of the rally that thought we where part of them and they beckoned us to where they were gathering and we obliged. At first we thought they were relatives of the deceased.

"On nearing the group, and discovering that the people were clad in party regalia, we decided to turn, heading to a small group standing a distance from the main group that was waiting for us.

"This did not go down well with MDC-T youths who mistook us for rival Zanu-PF youths. They started shouting, ‘ndiwo mamonya a (President) Mugabe, let's deal with them'.

This is when all hell broke loose and they started assaulting some of us who were riding on kombi bumpers and windows, with booted feet and fists," Tozana said.

He said the youths pulled them out of the cars while others came out as stones rained at the funeral hearse. A few kombis managed to escape while some members of his group ran away.

Tozana and a few others identified as Admire, Malvin and Blessing were cornered and were severely assaulted.

"One of the thugs then mistook us for what he called ‘Zanu-PF functionaries terrorising Mbare'. I tried to run for dear life but was tripped and fell on top of one of the graves. They started hitting me with stones until I lay hapless on the grave.

"At first I thought that was my end until an idea struck me and, I faked death. Some of the thugs fled the scene save for a few who were shouting ‘let's kill him, our friends have also been killed by their friends'."

"At that moment riot police arrived and I was picked by some of my friends who had returned with the police," he said showing scars and deep cuts suffered from the assault.

Tozana said he was rushed to Harare Hospital where he was not treated because the hospital required money upfront.

He had to borrow US$20 to buy a patient card and some prescription drugs.
He, however, is still to get X-rays taken of head, back and right leg because he cannot raise the US$43 required by the hospital.

"That was a brutal attack. I feel police need to react fast otherwise many innocent people will lose their lives at the hands of these thugs," he said.

He dismissed media reports suggesting that they had gone to disrupt the MDC-T event.
Harare province police spokesperson Inspector James Sabau could not be reached for comment yesterday, but police sources say investigations were in progress.

Mr Tsvangirai on Wednesday of the same week was quoted describing Zanu-PF "as merchants of death" and alleged that the party was responsible for continued violence in the country.

He also attacked Police Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri for alleged selective application of the law.

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