
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

(HERALD) Tsvangirai struggles to quell party violence

Tsvangirai struggles to quell party violence
Monday, 25 April 2011 22:58

Riot police monitor the situation at MDC-T headquarters at Harvest House in Harare where party supporters exchanged blows and blocked vehicles of senior officials after their names had been excluded on the list of delegates travelling to the party congress in Bul- awayo this week.
Bulawayo Bureau

MDC-T president Mr Morgan Tsvangirai is today expected to preside over elections for remaining posts in the strife-torn Bulawayo provincial executive as violence continues to stalk his party.

The party leadership yesterday endorsed Mr Gorden Moyo as the chairman.
Mr Tsvangirai, who arrived in Bulawayo yesterday, spent more than two hours locked in a meeting at his party's Bulawayo offices trying to quell factionalism that has threatened to tear the party apart ahead of the congress due this week.
The MDC-T polls were aborted for the third time on Friday after two rival camps belonging to Mr Moyo and the losing candidate, Mr Matson Hlalo, attacked each other with stones, empty bottles and fists.

In Harare, violence flared at MDC-T headquarters at Harvest House as party supporters exchanged blows and blocked vehicles of senior officials after their names had been excluded on the list of delegates travelling to the party congress in Bulawayo.
Women shouted, "Tsika! Tsika!" as they blocked vehicles of senior officials trying to leave Harvest House after sensing danger.

One of the officials sped off in his vehicle to escape the marauding youths and women.

A man was thoroughly beaten after being accused of influencing the exclusion of some names from the travelling list.

Traffic along Nelson Mandela was temporarily blocked around 1pm as the rowdy women and youths declared war on the senior officials until police came to the scene and quelled the violence.

In Bulawayo, when a Chronicle news crew visited the party's provincial offices yesterday afternoon, a group of MDC-T supporters were milling around while security guards stood alert at the gate.

Party insiders said Mr Tsvangirai had a torrid time trying to harmonise the warring factions.

"We had a meeting with the Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai. The agenda of the meeting was to try to heal the wounds and to harmonise the divisions within the party," said the source.

"The president (Tsvangirai) urged party members to desist from violence and be united ahead of the congress. He was very worried about the factionalism within the party and had a hard time trying to unite the warring factions."

The sources said Mr Tsvangirai condemned violent behaviour among the youths and called for unity in Bulawayo, which is the host for the congress.

They said the party leadership endorsed the election of Mr Moyo as the provincial chair and resolved to hold the election for other posts under the supervision of the national standing committee.

"It was agreed that Mr Moyo remains the appropriate provincial chair and that elections for other posts starting from the vice chair, the youth and women's league be held tomorrow (today)," said the source.

"Mr Tsvangirai and his team will spend the night here in Bulawayo to oversee the polls which would be held at the party's offices."

MDC-T spokesperson Mr Nelson Chamisa could not be reached for comment as his mobile was barred from receiving calls.

The party's national organising secretary, Mr Elias Mudzuri, declined to comment and referred all questions to Mr Chamisa.

"We had a meeting with the president of the party and the standing committee and the outcome of the meeting should come from Mr Chamisa who is the national spokesperson. He is the right person to talk to," said Mr Mudzuri.

Deputy party spokesperson Ms Thabitha Khumalo also refused to comment and referred all questions to Mr Chamisa.

Mr Tsvangirai was accompanied by the party's top brass, among them his deputy Ms Thokozani Khupe and the party's secretary general Mr Tendai Biti and Mr Chamisa.
Mr Tsvangirai is on a tour of the provinces ahead of his party's congress.
Yesterday morning, he visited Matabeleland South where he also tried to mend the fissures in his party.

Mr Tsvangirai last week admitted his party was in shambles and is on record saying the party would lose elections if held this year.

Meanwhile, MDC-T vice-president Thokozani Khupe and veteran politician Mr Norman Mabhena will lock horns for the party's second highest position with the latter describing her challenger as a "day dreamer".

Mr Mabhena is the party's secretary in the organ for National Healing, Reconciliation and Integration.

The congress starts on Thursday at Barbourfields Stadium in Bulawayo and it comes at a time when the party is riddled by fierce in-fighting and jostling for positions in provinces, a situation that has seen elections turning violent in the past few weeks.
Mr Mabhena, yesterday confirmed that he was challenging Ms Khupe, who is also the Deputy Prime in the inclusive Government and said he was confident of romping to victory.

He said Ms Khupe did not intimidate him because he has the "support of the people".
Observers have viewed the development as the culmination of factionalism that has emerged in provinces and threatening to tear apart the party, especially in Bulawayo where Mr Matson Hlalo is contesting the result of the election won by Mr Gorden Moyo.
Although all the party's provinces except for Bulawayo have nominated DPM Khupe, Mr Mabhena claims that about five provinces have nominated him to vie for the post.
Mr Mabhena who feels that "personalising the party like other leaders are doing is bad", said the decision was people driven.

"Some people and even provinces have approached me and want to deploy me as vice-president. I am not vying for the post but it is the people who have nominated me," said Mr Mabhena.

He said as a senior party member he was bound to do the will of the people.
"I am going to take up the challenge. This is not my project but the people's and as a party member I should not say no. I was refusing all along but I have come to a stage where I should do the will of the people," said Mr Mabhena.

He said he had the blessing of the two Midlands Provinces, Mashonaland East and West and another province that he could not name who had nominated him ahead of the congress.

Asked about what he would offer the party as vice- president, Mr Mabhena said the people would decide his manifesto.

"My chances of winning lie with the people who are the ones who have decided that I should take up the challenge. People would decide what they want me to do as their messenger. If I win, they will tell me the issues they would want me to focus on.
"As a veteran politician, I say it is bad to personalise the party as if it is Mabhena's," he said.

Mr Mabhena refuted allegations that he was being backed by the Hlalo faction as a project to oust DPM Khupe, saying he was not aware there were factions in Bulawayo.
However, Ms Khupe said although it was democratic for any member to contest for any position, Mr Mabhena was "day dreaming" and he would be "sorry for himself" after the congress.

"It is ok because at the end of the day that is democracy. Only Mashonaland East nominated him while all other provinces have nominated me save for Bulawayo, which is yet to submit its nominations. Preparations for the congress are going on well. Mabhena is day dreaming and he will be ashamed because I will beat him," said Ms Khupe.

As for the national chairman's post, Mr Lovemore Moyo who is also House of Assembly Speaker was nominated for the same post and will battle it out with Ms Lucia Matibenga.

Ms Matibenga was also nominated for the national deputy chair's post along with Mr Morgan Komichi, Mr Blessing Chebundo and Mr Alexio Musundire.

Professor Eliphas Mukonoweshuro is challenging secretary general Mr Tendai Biti while Mr Tapiwa Mashakada, Gift Chimanikire, Moyo, Bekithemba Mpofu and Ms Paurina Mpariwa will each battle to be the deputy.

Mr Elton Mangoma, Mrs Sekai Holland and self-exiled treasurer general Mr Roy Bennett will also scramble to become the party's finance chief.

Some provinces are also reportedly supporting Mr Mangoma, Mrs Holland, Mr Biti and Mr Samuel Sipepa Nkomo to become the deputy treasurer.

Party spokesperson Mr Nelson Chamisa is eyeing the post of organising secretary presently held by Engineer Elias Mudzuri.

Returnee Mr Abedinico Bhebhe, Mr Thamsanqa Mahlangu, Eng Mudzuri and Mr Dennis Murira were nominated for the deputy organising secretary's post while Mr Tongai Matutu and Mr Douglas Mwonzora will contest in the race for the information

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