
Friday, April 08, 2011

(HERALD) Violence - MDC-T caught in act

COMMENT - With the 2011 elections coming up, the international media is going to make a lot of 'ZANU-PF violence' in order to delegitimize the elections in case President Mugabe wins. However, a lot if not most violence comes from the MDC. They have the most to gain by it, because their popularity is falling, and as neoliberals, they have no other ideology than greed. Also see: Khupe sucked in Bulawayo violence

Violence: MDC-T caught in act
Crime Reporter
Thursday, 07 April 2011 22:14

SOME rowdy MDC-T youths who were part of a group that was unveiling tombstones at Warren Hills Cemetery ran amok on Wednesday afternoon and attacked several mourners, including Zanu-PF supporters who wanted to bury a colleague.

According to a police report, four policemen were injured while four commuter omnibuses, a marked police vehicle and several other cars in the cemetery were damaged by the stone throwing youths.

According to a witness identified as Mr Madende, they had gone to the cemetery to bury one of his workers who died after being knocked down by a car along Simon Mazorodze Road when the MDC-T youths attacked them.

The late Farai alias Fatso was a conductor for one of the commuter omnibuses owned by Mr Madende.

"When we arrived at the cemetery, we were shocked to see over 300 MDC-T supporters and buses offloading several others," Mr Madende said.

He said a few minutes later, the MDC-T youths became rowdy and charged towards them while in the process of burying Farai.

Mr Madende said some of the mourners were attacked while others fled.

Two commuter omnibuses belonging to Mr Madende had their windows shattered while three other vehicles - a Volvo, Nissan Sunny and a Nissan Hardbody truck - were also damaged.

Police were informed and when they rushed to the scene to investigate, they were also attacked and their Ford Ranger truck was damaged.

Reinforcements were called in but they were stoned by the youths.

"The youths were singing and chanting MDC-T slogans while there were also people who were taking photographs and video filming the incidents," Mr Madende said.

When the violence started, he said, MDC-T leaders Mr Morgan Tsvangirai and Mr Tendai Biti disappeared from the scene and did not warn their supporters to desist from such acts.

The supporters later disappeared after riot police was called in to calm the situation.

No arrests were made.

Mr Madende said several mourners were injured and one of them, a tout, is reported to be in a serious condition and admitted in hospital.

However, the private media yesterday alleged that scores of Zanu-PF youths besieged Warren Hills cemetery where Mr Tsvangirai was unveiling tombstones on the graves of five MDC-T supporters, disrupting proceedings.

It was alleged that the youths arrived in commuter omnibuses and chased away people who had come for the ceremonies.

But Harare provincial police spokes person Inspector James Sabau yesterday said when the mourners arrived at the cemetery, some MDC-T youths that were already there thought they were their colleagues.

"They then started to direct the convoy so that they will park their vehicles near where they had grouped. After some of the mourners disembarked, they discovered that they were MDC-T supporters and rushed back to their vehicle," he said.

Insp Sabau said the MDC-T youths identified some Zanu-PF supporters in the process and started throwing stones towards them.

He said the mourners and Zanu-PF supporters escaped and a report was made to the police who went to the scene.

"That is when one of the MDC-T youths hit the fender of the police vehicle, damaging it. The youths started throwing stones at the police before the reaction group was called in but they continued," he said.

Tear smoke was then used to disperse them.

Insp Sabau said they condemned unprovoked violence at all costs and would not hesitate to arrest anyone, without fear or favour.

On Wednesday, PM Tsvangirai was quoted describing Zanu-PF "as merchants of death" and alleged that there was continued violence in the country.

He also attacked Police Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri for alleged selective application of the law

Last month, Police Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri warned unruly elements behind political violence that the force was ready and out in full force to maintain law and order.

He said the force was going to remain resilient and very tough on the ground.
Comm-Gen Chihuri's sentiments came in the wake of political violence, which was being perpetrated by the MDC-T in and around the city.

He said some of the people were stage managing violence and created chaos to give an impression that there was mayhem and anarchy in the country.

Recent investigations by the police revealed that the MDC-T was behind some of the political violence being perpetrated in and around the city this year.

In a statement, chief police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Wayne Bvudzijena said the force would not be deterred in the discharge of its constitutional duties and would not need anyone to remind them of their obligations.
He assured the people that they were prepared to thwart any one bent on causing mayhem and anarchy in the country.

President Mugabe is on record calling on his partners in the inclusive Government to organise joint meetings with the Zanu-PF leadership to encourage rival party
supporters to desist from political violence.

The President's call is still to be heeded.


  1. Anonymous7:01 AM

    can somebody explain hw the MDC is said to be loosing popularity is there any solid explanation or its just wishful thinking by those who think people can easily forget

  2. Well Anonymous,

    There are many ideological and political reasons why the MDC is losing popularity.

    1) People don't want neoliberal austerity programs, like the ones the MDC suggests. Zimbabwe had that from 1991 to 1996. Dissatisfaction with the unilateral implementation of ESAP by the ZANU-PF led to the creation of the MDC itself, according to Munyaradzi Gwisai. Austerity is not a vote winner, not even after the currency has been destroyed by the MDC and it's US allies through ZDERA. ZDERA was a typical shock doctrine tool to create a crisis. People don't like it when they find out. The MDC owes the Zimbabwean people their savings.

    2) Neoliberalism is on the backfoot globally, with people demanding a switch to demand side economic policies and away from supply side economic policies. They want jobs and services, not a GDP driven by the profits made by and for foreign corporations.

    3) Corruption. Both at the local government level and the national level.

    4) Womanizing. I don't think Morgan Tsvangirai is scoring any points with Zimbabwe's women voters, considering his affairs.

    5) Greed. It is clear that when you are not in politics to serve the masses, you are in it to serve yourself. And that is what happens when you have no ideology other than greed, as is the neoliberals' way.

  3. I forgot:

    6) Tribalism.

    The MDC is closely associated with both Rhodesian types and the Ndebele and Matabeleland. Problem is, the Ndebele are only 20% of the population. Several of them are talking about secession, or the creation of a single Matabeleland province, with increased devolution of power the provincial level (giving a picture perfect example of why I am against devolution to the provinces instead of local councils - it only enshrines tribalism and all the problems that come with that).

    None of this sounds too good to the 80% of the population that are Shona.

  4. (HERALD) I faked death to survive — Violence victim

    ROBERT TOZANA, the man who miraculuosly survived a brutal attack at the hands of MDC-T supporters at Warren Hills Cemetery last Wednesday says he only survived by feigning death, as MDC-T youths, who were being cheered on by some high-ranking party officials, called for his death.

