
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kabimba sees MMD exit as definite

Kabimba sees MMD exit as definite
By Mwala Kalaluka
Tue 26 Apr. 2011, 04:01 CAT

PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba says the MMD will be out of power this year whether they like it or not. And the PF committee in Chibombo district says it will work hard to dilute the MMD’s campaign of lies ahead of the forthcoming general polls.

During a Chibombo district PF committee-organised fundraising braii held at Sambalayas Lodge in Katuba Constituency on Sunday, Kabimba, however, said the MMD could only be defeated by a committed and selfless PF team. Kabimba said the PF national leadership would soon be meeting the party leadership in Central Province with a view to availing the strategy that would be used to defeat the MMD in the 2011 elections.

“Whether the MMD likes it or not, they are going packing in 2011,” Kabimba said. “Elections can actually be won by people that are spirited to defeat the MMD. A team that wins the World Cup are not only a well-trained team but a well-spirited team.”

Kabimba said the braai held by the PF in Chibombo was the first successful fundraising event undertaken within the opposition party over the last 10 years.

“The fact that Chibombo has managed to do it must be commended. What you have done chairman Barnabas Musopelo is a challenge to the rest of the districts and provinces in our party,” Kabimba said. “For now, there should be no excuse why Lusaka district shouldn't host a fundraising braii in Lusaka.”

Kabimba said the PF had transited from a political party with one member of parliament in 2001 to 43 in 2006.

“The challenge that Mr Sata has always given us, and it is a genuine challenge, he says ‘I have moved this party alone from 2001 up to now, what is your role?’” said Kabimba. “In order to move this party forward, we need a leadership that is committed and a leadership that is selfless.

Unless we offer ourselves in this realm of leadership...PF will not live beyond Michael Sata and it will be a shame for those of us who will survive him. We therefore have to start strategising, how you young men and women move this party beyond Michael Sata’s life? We don't have any arms deal like Rupiah Banda where we can get money from.”

And Musopelo said there was need for the PF to work hard to win the rural vote in the coming elections.

“We decided to hold a fundraising braii today in Chibombo in order to raise funds for us to organise the party effectively,” Musopelo said. “Rural politics needs a lot of cycling and driving.”

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