
Friday, April 01, 2011

Kunda’s revelations open HH to attacks

Kunda’s revelations open HH to attacks
By George Chellah
Fri 01 Apr. 2011, 04:02 CAT

GEORGE Mpombo says Vice-President George Kunda has unmasked Hakainde Hichilema’s hypocrisy and read out his political obituary. And Mpombo says UPND's immature decision to partner with moribund political parties like All People’s Congress (APC) confirm that they are time wasters.

Commenting on Vice-President George Kunda’s revelations that the UPND wanted a coalition government with MMD, Mpombo, who is Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament said his initial statement concerning clandestine dealings between the two political parties have been proved right.

“Zambians must treat Hichilema and the UPND with a lot of caution and not go in for this chap's cheap political saber-rattling. Hichilema’s conduct smacks of ‘shattering’ irrationality verging on complete political bankruptcy. UPND is in total disarray and they are headed for a deep and suffocating political kerfuffle,” Mpombo said. “They are clearly heading for an irretrievable political imbroglio. With these revelations, George Kunda has just read out Hichilema’s political obituary because very few people have any kind of confidence in them. He has unmasked Hichilema’s hypocrisy and no one has any modicum of trust in them.”

He said Vice-President Kunda’s revelations were distasteful and had exposed the UPND’s clandestine dealings at the expense of the country’s democracy and unity.

“Hichilema and the UPND were making noise that for a long time, PF refused to meet them during the days of the pact. I am sure many Zambians can now guess the reason why PF must have been dragging its feet to meet these guys because no one trusts or looks forward to meeting a double dealer,” Mpombo said.

“And in this case, PF must have gotten wind of the UPND’s treacherous ways whilst in the pact. How could PF have met them when they were busy negotiating for a coalition government with the MMD who are the archrivals of PF? The revelations clearly show that UPND were not honest in their dealings with PF, no wonder the pact failed.”

He said the greatest asset in any relationship is honesty, which the UPND leadership failed to uphold.

“The challenge now is on Hichilema and the UPND to come out clean and tell the nation what exactly has been going on. If Hichilema has to save his free-falling political fortunes, he needs to clear himself,” Mpombo said. “The behaviour of UPND amounts to unacceptable betrayal of the trust and confidence the Zambian people deposited in them. I said it that these chaps were campaigning for MMD.”

He said the UPND’s double-face was also shown in Parliament during voting on the constitution bill.

“Initially, they had voted with the MMD but only grew cold feet after PF walked out. Their second act was a knee-jerk reaction when they noticed that the walking out of the House of PF had left them in an awkward position and was going to expose their double dealings,” Mpombo said.

“The conduct of the UPND leadership both in Parliament and elsewhere has put them in a very precarious political situation because Zambians can no longer trust them as a repository of their aspirations.”

He said the immaturity of the UPND leadership was shocking.

“The decision to go into a pact with a moribund political party like All People’s Congress confirms that these chaps are time-wasters,” he said.

He said UPND had dropped out of the race because of their unstable, immature and uninspiring leadership.

“It also shows that Hichilema and UPND in their desperation for power can easily mortgage the interests of their followers in their unquenchable thirst for power,” Mpombo said. “Hichilema must explain to the Zambians why they should continue to trust him inspite of his political convulsions or political fits.”

He said to come out of these problems, the UPND needed to undergo a complete political metamorphosis with fresh leadership.

“Even the 2011 campaigns we hear Hichilema will be launching this weekend in Lusaka is just an exercise in political futility especially that Zambians now know his capacity of insincere political skullduggery. Zambians now know that UPND craves to be a wing of the MMD and that UPND wants Mr Banda to continue being President through a coalition government as revealed by George Kunda,” Mpombo said.

“In essence, this weekend Hichilema will just be launching Mr Rupiah Banda’s 2011 campaigns since they are desirous of a coalition government with him. These chaps are at crossroads of political extinction. UPND lacks principles indeed. How can they seek a coalition government with the very people they have publicly condemned of being corrupt. What has changed?”

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