
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mpundu warns of violence disaster

Mpundu warns of violence disaster
By Ernest Chanda
Tue 12 Apr. 2011, 04:01 CAT

LUSAKA Catholic Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu has warned of a national disaster if the government keeps quiet on MMD-perpetrated political violence.

In an interview yesterday, Archbishop Mpundu said no matter how peaceful they were, people could only be stretched to a certain extent, after which they were bound to react.

“It is a disaster waiting to happen. In several by-elections last year, the nation was treated to a dress rehearsal of what could happen at a much greater scale if no decisive action is taken by the highest political authorities whose condemnation of violence is at best equivocal if not very encouraging to the perpetrators!” Archbishop Mpundu said.

“Although Zambians are generally peaceful and long suffering people, those we elect to rule us should always bear in mind that there is a limit to people's patience and resilience as recent events in North Africa and the Middle East can testify. Law enforcement institutions seem to be powerless and paralysed into inaction while people are beaten up in their presence and absence alike.”

Archbishop Mpundu said it was saddening that those who perpetrated political violence could not be arrested even though they were well known.

“These cadres...act with impunity, maiming innocent citizens, threatening others with unprintable atrocities in the open, insulting even public figures and terrorising commuters at bus and railway stations, market places and even at the international airport at will,” Archbishop Mpundu said.

“These are not faceless ruffians but known hired political hooligans with high-sounding titles bestowed on them by their sponsors but no arrests have been made, save for a few small fish leaving the architects of violence. With the countdown to the forthcoming general elections, the atmosphere is already so highly charged that these crooks will be even more sadistic come election time. All it needs is a little match to set the flame of violence ablaze. Those in the position to prevent such a scenario should not say they were not warned.

“The situation is now further aggravated by the failure of the Constitution of Zambia bill to go through Parliament. Unless a miracle happens, we are likely to go to the polls on the amended 1996 Constitution. We have not forgotten that as a result of this clearly inadequate document there was tension in the country before, during and after the 2001 and 2006 general elections and the 2008 presidential election. There has been a loud enough alarm bell sounded that unless we handle very, very cautiously and swiftly the issue of the new constitution which respects the major issues of the people of Zambia articulated as contained in the Mung'omba draft constitution, we should not be astonished if much more severe unrest comes our way in the build-up to, during and after this year's general elections.”

Archbishop Mpundu said it was time for police to equip themselves and practice justice as the nation heads to the general election.

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